
~Top Two Tuesday~

Join The Undomestic Momma for Top 2 Tuesday!

Today's TTT topic is favorite Christmas memories. 

1. The Polar Express on Christmas Eve.  My mom read The Polar Express to my brother and me every Christmas Eve that I can remember.  I absolutely love the story, it's definitely more special to me than the movie could ever be.  My mom had the bell and it seemed magical and I know it warmed my heart every Christmas.  I hope this can be a tradition that I pass onto Cooper and any future children we have.

2. Christmas Morning. I love Christmas morning.  Waking up going to the tree and opening gifts with the entire family.  It was a tradition with my family growing up and now with my married family.  Each person opens a gift until they are all opened and then we all gather around the table and have breakfast.  We try to make a special breakfast on Christmas morning, something we don't have all year long.  Sometimes its homemade cinnamon rolls, or monkey bread, or some sort of breakfast casserole.  I love Christmas morning, there is nothing like it!

What are your favorite Christmas memories?  Link up with Taylor and share!


Lisa said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I have done several of Casandra's Bible studies, and I would probably recommend starting with Fragrance of Faith or ABCs of a Godly Heart. Each study covers a different part of the Bible, so it really wouldn't matter where you began but those are my suggestions!

I love Polar Express! We have the book and are watching the movie tonight.

I was going to comment earlier on how much I like your new bag and wallet but didn't see a section for comments on that post.

I hope Cooper's rash gets better. Poor baby!

Anonymous said...

I have yet to watch Polar Express. :( What a slacker, huh?