
Christmas Eve

Good Morning my friends!  Today is Christmas Eve, and The Johnson Five are having a day of cooking, baking and relaxing. 

We've got several things we're getting ready for tomorrow, for our family gatherings.  Turkey & Wild Rice Soup, Deviled Eggs, Monkey Bread, Cream Cheese Braid, peanut butter & chocolate chip cookies, and a breakfast casserole and so much more to get ready.

All the gifts are wrapped and under the tree, the stockings have been filled and the house is as clean as it's going to get before Christmas morning.  And, all of the laundry is done.  Yesterday was filled with much work and some play so that we could be ready for today and tomorrow. 

Tonight is the Christmas Eve candlelight service and I can't wait for that.  To celebrate our Savior's birthday is the best part of Christmas. 

What fun will you have today and over the weekend?  Today is my last post for the weekend, I wish you all a wonderful weekend!

Happy Birthday Jesus, and Merry Christmas to you all!  Have a great time with family and friends and enjoy these precious moments!

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