
New Look for the Upcoming Year

Well Christmas was wonderful, and now it's over, and it is time for a new look over at The Johnson Five.  I'll be working on a Christmas post soon, but for now, it was time for a new start here.  Like Lisa over @ The Tolliver Times, I've been debating about getting a more customized look for the blog.  While I'm still deciding, I'm going with this look from ShabbyBlogs.  Check them out if you haven't yet, they've got some good stuff!  If you have any recommendations for me about customizing my blog, please let me know, and who you recommend, I have looked at some designers, but don't have a clue who to go with and who isn't booked solid!  Thanks!



Lisa said...

I love your new blog look! I agree that most of them are booked up right now.

I have been looking at Little Sailor Design blog. She does great work, from what I've seen, and her prices are affordable.

Let me know if you come across a good blog designer and I just might take the plunge!

Kari said...

I like your new look. XOXO