
Me and You, Just Us Two

So, I was reading sweet Nicole's blog, and I loved reading her answers about her and her Beau in her "me and you, just us two" post, and I decided to copy her post.

Without further adieu, here are 30 questions about "just us two."

1. What are your middle names?  Allen & Anne (isn't that cute both start with A =] )

2. How long have you been together? Almost 3 years now, we've been together since December 19, 2007 

3. How long did you know each other before you started dating?  A few years, but we only started getting really close starting in August 2007.  We talked almost non-stop from August to December.

4. Who asked who out?  Tim asked me of course!  I turned him down for awhile, but finally agreed, thank goodness I did.

5. How old are each of you?   He is 44, I am 29 (for a few more days anyway)

6. Did you go to the same school?  Nope.  Tim is almost 15 years older than me, so even if we had, we wouldn't have been in school together.

7. Are you from the same home town?  No, Tim is from Ohio and I'm from southern Indiana.

8. Who is the smartest?  We are both smart, but I'd say Tim is because of his extra life experience! :)

9. Who majored in what?  Tim majored in math, I majored in public finance.

10. Who is the most sensitive? Me, hands down.

11. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?  Gatlinburg, TN

12. Who has the worst temper? Me, I can fly off the handle, but I'm TRYING so hard to calm down, and Tim doesn't get upset very easily very often.  We definitely balance one another out on this.

13. How many children do you want? We have one son now, and are hoping to have at least one more.  If we have a girl, we'll probably be finished, but if we have a boy, we might try for #3 for a girl, but 3 is the  max!  Remember, Tim already has two kiddos, who are my wonderful step kids, Steph and Andrew.  LOVE THEM!!

14. Who does the cooking? We both do.  We switch depending on what's being fixed.  I'm definitely the baker of the house though.

15. Who is more social? Depends on the situation, we can both be social.  Tim is definitely the schmoozer of the two of us.

16. Who is the neat freak? Again, it can be both of us.  Sometimes Tim goes crazy when things are out of order, sometimes I get really upset if the house is in complete disarray. 

17. Who is the most stubborn? We are both stubborn, but I believe I'm worse.

18. Who wakes up earlier? Me.  Tim will sleep and sleep and sleep.  I so wish I could sleep like him.  I haven't slept like that since Cooper was born, and I'm not even sure I can anymore.

19. Where was your first date? His house.  We got Subway and hung out at his place. 

20. Who has the bigger family? Tim.  He has 4 brothers and sisters.  I only have one brother.  His siblings all have 3 or more kids too, so it makes gatherings on his side pretty large.

21. Do you get flowers often? Nope, and I like it that way.  Flowers are pretty, but they die, and I prefer for us to spend our money on things that will last.

22. How do you spend the holidays? We usually are with my family on the actual days of the holidays.  Thanksgivings in the past we haven't gathered with Tim's family at all.  Christmases we visit his family either the weekend before or the weekend after.

23. Who is more jealous? I'm not really sure.  We don't really have things to be jealous about. 

24. How long did it take to get serious? Not long.  We started dating on December 19 and got engaged on January 1st.  I cannot believee how fast it was, but it was great!  Once we knew we knew and we didn't want to wait.

25. Who eats more? Generally Tim, but I certainly have my moments.  Sometimes I can eat a ton.

26. What do you do for a living?  Tim is a mainframe storage programmer and I am a financial analyst.

27. Who does the laundry? We both do.  We do laundry on Thursday nights, we set a load in the morning so that its finishing when we get home from work.  Then we both help one another the rest of the night.  I LOVE doing our laundry on Thursday nighs because we don't have to spend an entire day on the weekends doing it.  I usually do one load on Sunday night just to get the stuff clean from the weekend, but if I don't, it's no big deal, everything else is already done!

28. Who's better with the computer?  You would think Tim since he's a programmer for a living, but he's a MAINFRAME programmer, whiche means it's ME.  I'm better with the personal computers, which is not saying much!

29. Who drives when you are together?  We swap.  We ride to work together most days.  I drive to work, he drives us home.  Otherwise we take turns as well.  We make a pretty good team!

30. What is your song?    We have a few, but I think our best song is Bonnie Raitt's Something to Talk About.  Since we work together we were talked about quite a bit when we first started hanging out, and then when we got together, we thought this song was made for us.

This is a picture of us at Christmas in 2008.

What are your answers for these 30 questions of "me and you, just us two"???   Please re-post so that I can read about you!


Nicole said...

Love that you knew you wanted to be married and went for it! Sadly, I will have to wait a while :)

Katie @ Miss Klohn's Classroom said...

Love this! I wish that I had a special someone that I could do this about!