
Harry Potter & Birthday Weekend!

Today is my Friday, yay!  I couldn't be more thrilled!!! 

Tonight, my hubby and me, my two stepkids (Steph & Andrew) and their boyfriend (Ryan)/girlfriend (Sami), and a friend of mine, Miranda, are all going to see the latest Harry Potter movie.  It starts at 12:02am.  I'm so excited.  My best friend Erica is going to come to our house and sleep in Steph's old room to take care of Cooper and she's also going to bring him to daycare in the morning.  Isn't she sweet???  LOVE HER!

My birthday is Sunday.  So.... this weekend should be filled with lots of fun stuff, right??  I mean, I'm going to be the big 3-0!  This 30 thing doesn't bother me a bit.  Could it be because my hubby is nearly 15 years older and I know I'll always be young compared to him?  Maybe.  OR, maybe its because my life is so filled with happiness that I couldn't care less how old I am?  Either way, it's a great feeling to have!

Tomorrow, Tim and I are going to try to sleep in, but not too late, and have some alone time.  We might work on our bedroom since it's a complete disaster with the construction going on.  (Tim is rebuilding our closet and currently we have no closet in our bedroom. Post about this to come later.) 

Saturday, My mom, her husband, my brother,  my niece and my nephew are coming up to celebrate my day.  We are going to make tacos and eat cake.  Then Saturday night, it's GIRLS NIGHT!  I'm going to go out with Shannon, Erica and Joni.  I miss these girls and cannot wait to spend some QT with them!  Joni's birthday is on Tuesday the 23rd, so we normally try to celebrate together.

Sunday, no plans.  But something good.  It's going to be a family day and I'm looking forward to it.  I believe we'll try to do our family picture for our Christmas card since I'm in such a "Christmas-y" mood.  Other than that, nothing. 

Compared to last weekend (post to come later) when we were stuck in the hospital for Coop, this weekend should be a blast! 

Happy Weekend to you all!

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