
Day 1: Christmas Traditions

Link up with Aly & Molly for the 12 days of Christmas Blog Challenge!

Christmas Traditions

Christmas traditions in the Johnson household since Tim and I have been married are not major traditions.  We usually go to church on Christmas Eve.  Then we get home and hang out with the family before the kids head to bed.  Once they are in bed, we sort and place the presents under the tree.  The sorting is normally pretty easy for a couple of reasons.   1) We pick out a different color/pattern of paper for each family member and all of their gifts are wrapped in “their” paper.  And 2) Stephanie usually has the most gifts because Andrew opts for something large and expensive.  After that, Tim and I put the gifts in the stockings and head to bed.

On Christmas morning, usually pretty early, we get up, un-wrap gifts and have breakfast.  Normally some sort of hot delicious breakfast!  Then we all get showered and pack the car to head south to visit my family.  We visit both my dad and my mom on Christmas day, eat way too much food and receive way too many gifts, then get back in the car and head home.

Like I said, nothing major, just things that we do.  This year, I expect things will be a bit different since Stephanie has moved out L and she and Andrew both have significant other’s that they may want to spend time with. 

I cannot wait to read about some of YOUR family’s traditions!


Holly said...

It's all about the little things! :) You have a cute family, too!

Molly said...

Little things always matter most!

Thanks for linking up and joining us :)