
Day 7: Holiday Craft/DIY

Link up with Aly & Molly for the remaining days of the 12 Days of Christmas Blog Challenge!
I have to admit, I didn't actually make the decoration that I'm about to suggest that you try.  I meant to, and I love the idea, and I still plan on making them, but time got short this weekend and I got lazy.

I got this idea from Good Housekeeping magazine.  It is so simple, yet so tasteful!  All you'll need is some ribbon, pine cones and a hot glue gun.

Isn't this pretty?
When I get around to making them (hopefully this coming weekend) I plan to use red, green and silver ribbons.

Basically all you have to do is loop ribbon and tie in a bow, then hot glue it to the pine cone.  Wait for it to cool and voila!  Hang these simple decorations around any door knob, cabinet knob or anywhere else you think they would look nice. 

I'm looking forward to seeing some of the DIY decorations out there!  Have a great Monday everyone!


Aly @ Analyze This said...

This is so pretty! I have a ton of pine cones left over from my mantle ... some of the large ones in fact! I may attempt this later tonight!

Thanks for the idea, Emily!!! :)

Kit said...

Great idea! So festive!

Emily Powell said...

what a simple idea! love it!