
Christmas-y Mood

I've changed my blog background/header AGAIN.  Could it be because I am fickle, or is it simply because I've been doing Christmas shopping and am ready for this holiday season with my family?  I'd like to think it's the latter of these two options, but if you ask my family, they'll tell you that I am also pretty fickle. 

I LOVE to rearrange the furniture in our house.  Especially in our bedroom.  Moving the furniture around makes me feel like I've moved into a new room!  It's new and refreshing ever now and then! 

I also love getting and switching cell phones. I've had an iPhone now for almost 3 years and I'm so ready for a different type of phone, but I don't think I could ever give up the abilities of an iPhone!

Purses!  I change purses every couple of weeks.  I have a few that I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE and I switch back and forth between them all of the time.

Laptops.  I like to get a new one every couple of years.  For my Christmas present this year, I got a new laptop.  I am counting this as my Christmas/Birthday present, so it's ok that we already bought it.

Anyway, I am in a Christmas-y mood.  I can't wait to put up our tree and start playing Christmas music.   Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to wish my time away, I just love this time of year and Christmas is right around the corner!!

Are you all ready for the Christmas season??


Shannon said...

You better believe I am ready for Christmas. I love the family time, cookies, tree with gifts under it, and of course the CHRISTMAS MUSIC. I wait all year for it! Bring it on!

Katie @ Miss Klohn's Classroom said...

Love the Christmas look!