
Is it Friday yet???

Does anyone else feel like this week has gone sooooooooo super slow????  I woke up this morning thinking it was Thursday and have been disappointed all day.  I'm READY for Friday evening. 

Hubby has an outting planned with Steph's boyfriend, some real male bonding stuff, so I think Cooper and I will have a playdate at home.  When he goes to bed, I will have some alone time!  I'll walk and get a movie in maybe!  I'm really looking forward to it!!

Saturday we are heading out to the Indianapolis Home Show with my mom and her husband.  Sunday we have no plans!  I hope to get my hair trimmed up sometime this weekend if I can.  We'll see if I can get all that done.

What are your plans for the weekend?  I'm obviously really looking forward to a couple of days off!  How about you?


Shannon said...

I would love to come see you, but I will be in Illinois for a baby shower. We will get together soon!

Anonymous said...

This weekend includes some NEEDED R & R!!

I agree... SOO ready for Friday!