So, my morning - got up, showered, got ready, went downstairs and unloaded dishwasher, noticed that it was raining, had to let the dog out and then she wouldn't come back in, so i had to basically towel her completely off - we have a Great Pyrenees so she's big and has lots of hair.
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this is what she looks like when she's dry and clean. huge! |
Then, i refilled the humidifier and spilled water everywhere, all over my clean kitchen floor.
Then made my lunch, which was fine, but looked at the clock, and realized I was running out of time and had to go and wake Cooper up and get him ready.
He had a doctor's appointment with the neurologist that I thought was at 8:15, but more on that later.
Oh boy did he wake up on the wrong side of crib, was screamed for 15 minutes straight, all through his yogurt, but i got him ready, had the car started (it's cold here in Indiana), then got him all loaded and all my stuff loaded.
I got on the road, looked at my calendar and his appointment wasn't until 8:40!!!!!
Boy was I frustrated, but .... we headed back home, Cooper was still screaming in the back of the car. I unloaded him, and went in. Did I mention that it's raining this entire time so we're both wet???? (yes, parking in the garage will be a major request of mine when the hubby feels better)
Tim got out of bed and offered to help and I said yes, please come down and watch sesame street with this child!!
So they did. I cooled off by starting a load of laundry and loaded the dishwasher back up and was finally back to my normal calm mommy self.
Off to his appointment, and then the babysitter.
Just too many times in and out of the car with a screaming 15 month old this morning!!!!!
And oh, the rain. Stupid people on the roads, did I mention it was raining? Yeah. that causes people to forget how to drive. no headlights in the dense fog and rapid rain. it was nuts.
I am thankful to be at work, where things are a bit calmer here. (i'm sure as soon as I say this, some chaos will occur)
I know this isn't as bad as it could have been, and I am sorry for the complaining, whining and pouting, but I'm over it, I just needed to vent, to get it out there, for others to laugh. At least I hope you're having a good laugh right about now!
Tonight should be better, dinner is warming in the crock pot, and the laundry is already started, plus, I'll have a nice walk on the treadmill and things will be nice!
Have a great Tuesday Ladies!
Yep, sounds like a Monday (on a Tuesday)!
Your dog is so beautiful and BIG!!
Would you hit me if I told you that I love rain?? Yep.. and the dentist. But that's another time and story.
Sure hope the appt. went well.
That sure does sound like a Monday! Your dog is so pretty, when dry of course!
I feel ya! I'm just a few hours away in STL and we are getting more snow!! Boo!
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