

So yesterday, I forgot my phone at home. I HATE when I forget my phone. I know, it sounds dumb, but my phone is part of me. I feel naked without it. I use it all of the time. I miss the music I normally listen to while working, I miss being able to look at Facebook throughout the day, I miss playing WORDS. It is such a stupid thing, missing a phone, but I DO! I had a doctor’s appointment and I normally don’t read the magazines in the office, I just play on my phone, and today, I couldn’t even do that. I’m a baby, pathetic as it is, I miss my phone. I have an iPhone, and it’s not the newest one out there, not even the second newest one, but dang it, it’s still nice to have! Ok, enough rambling about my phone.
As some of you might know, I have started clogging again. I took a hiatus when I was pregnant with Cooper because of a minor pregnancy issue and hadn’t been back. So, one and a half years later, I’m back, and I’m LOVING it. I had missed it so much. Putting on those clogging shoes and remembering all the steps made me feel good and gets me a decent workout. I’ve been going just on Wednesday nights, but next week, I’m thinking of going on both Monday and Wednesday nights. I was actually going to go this past Monday, but was too tired after my little episode in the middle of the night. More on that later. Anyhow, we’re learning a new dance in clogging and I’m so thrilled and thankful to be back. You can check out the Circle City Cloggers and what it’s all about.
The story of my episode on Sunday night/Monday morning….. I woke up around 3:30am with a terrible stomach ache, headed to the bathroom to see if I could puke, no luck, and the next thing I know, Tim is waking me up, I’m laying on the floor face first. I chipped a tooth, which is the major consequence from this entire thing. After I wake up, I feel fine! What is up with that? I asked my doc about it yesterday, she says that extreme pain can cause the body to decrease blood pressure, which makes the heart overcompensate and a person can pass out. STRANGE! I’d never heard that before, but I was glad to know. My hubby was pretty scared and shaken up to have been jolted awake by me landing on the floor in the middle of the night. Anyway, I’m fine now, and the doc said as long as I don’t have any more episodes like this anytime soon, she wouldn’t worry too much about it.
My doctor appointment was with my endocrinologist about my diabetes. I must first say, I love my doctor. She helped me through the “getting healthy” stage so that I could get pregnant, was there for me while I was pregnant, and has been there for me this last year when I have been less than diligent about taking care of myself. I owe Dr. Brame a big THANK YOU. My diabetes isn’t as under control as I’d like it to be, that’s MY fault and it’s time to change. If we want to have another baby anytime soon, it’s time to kick myself into gear. And I know I can do it. I’m not really that out of control, and thank goodness for that. The first time I visited Dr. Brame, I was majorly out of control. My sugars were everywhere, and my A1C (the diabetes sugar test) wasn’t good at all. Now, I’m just a little bit above where she wants me to be for my A1C, and I know I can get back on track for taking my blood sugars and keeping things in check. Starting today.
Now, it’s time to work. Hope you have a nice day! =)

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