

Here is as brief a catch-up from Sept 16 as I can provide. Fifteen days goes by quick!

Sept 17-18-19 Friday night was Steph’s birthday dinner @ Olive Garden, YUM! Then everyone came back to our house for cake and ice cream. No calorie counting that night…. Saturday, we took our time getting a move on, but then Cooper and I headed south to visit with family. Tim stayed home to hang out and then head to Steph’s birthday celebration@ Dave & Buster’s. Her friends all gathered, plus Andrew, Tim and her mom. It sounded like they had a great time! Probably the latest Tim has been out in over a year (remember, we are OLD!) Sunday, Cooper and I headed back for Nap-town around 3:30. It was great to hang out with everyone, FUN TIMES!

Sept 20-23 – More of the day to day life, work, home, play, sleep! We are now getting into a Thursday night laundry routine, and I must say, I LOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEDDDDD not having to do laundry last weekend! It was Grrrrreat! Tim and I have both been coughing up a storm, so our amount of sleeping was not great that week.

Sept 24-25-26 – Friday night we hung out at home. That is always a nice way to end the week. We ordered Chinese food and played SEQUENCE with Ryan and Step after Cooper went to bed. Saturday, Tim, Cooper and I went down to White River State Park, ate KFC and walked the entire canal. We got to see the IUPUI regatta. That was cool. That evening, we had DATE NIGHT =) We went to a comedy club and to dinner. It was overall a spectacular day. My coughing is getting a bit better at this point, but Tim was kind enough to sleep on the couch Saturday night since he was coughing up a storm. We missed church on Sunday, which saddened me, cause we were going to head to my former church and check it out. Hopefully we’ll do that this weekend. The rest of the day was football, cooking and playing with the Coop!

Sept 27-Oct 1 – An eventful week! We’ve been busy trying to plan, clean, and get ready for Cooper’s FIRST birthday party. I’m so excited for it. We do it tomorrow afternoon! Pictures to follow. We’ve been to multiple stores to try to find a slide for Cooper and apparently they just don’t keep these items in stock in the stores, cause we’ve had no luck. I’m not sure what we’ll end up getting for him, and he might not get it on his birthday, but it’ll come soon. Thank goodness, he won’t know the difference.

I’m back to clogging on Wednesday nights, so I was there, then home to make cookie dough for Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes! See the recipe here! Thanks Amanda, they turned out amazing! I made the cupcakes last night – for Cooper’s babysitter and other kiddos there.

Tonight – lots to do. Grocery shopping for everything for the party and for us to eat for the next week. It’s back to calorie counting, yea! We’ve both been bad and it’s time to get back on the wagon!!

Also, I'm include a couple of pictures of my messy boy while he's eating - he's soooooooooo messy!

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