Tonight, for Halloween, we dressed Cooper up, then went to Trader's Point Christian Church for their Trunk or Treat. He had a great time! They had music playing and since Cooper is such a dancer, he danced his way around the car trunks! It was soooo good to see him having a good time. Stephanie and Ryan went with us and they danced along with Coop too.
I took lots of pictures of my little Monkey. He was sooo cute, even with his crossing eyes. I'll be so glad when the virus is gone and his eyes are back to normal. Anyway, below is a slideshow of some of the pictures we took. I hope all of you had a wonderful Halloween!
Snapfish: Buy 1 get 2 Calendars Free, through TODAY!
Thanks to 2 Kids and a Coupon I'm sharing her post for buy one get 2 calendars free with Snapfish!
2 Kids and a Coupon - Coupons, Deals and Activities for Families: This Weekend Only - Buy 1 Calendar -- Get 2 Free f...: "Until October 31st, Snapfish is offering 2 Free Calendars when you buy 1. These cute 12x12 calendars are normally $24.99 each, but with thi..."
2 Kids and a Coupon - Coupons, Deals and Activities for Families: This Weekend Only - Buy 1 Calendar -- Get 2 Free f...: "Until October 31st, Snapfish is offering 2 Free Calendars when you buy 1. These cute 12x12 calendars are normally $24.99 each, but with thi..."
Day 21: A picture of me!
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Katie is hosting a 30 Day Blog Challenge, link up! |
This is a picture of Cooper and me on his first birthday. I don't get many pictures taken of me that I like, but I actually like this one.
Update on Coop: He's gotten his appetite back completely, he eats like a little piggy again! His eyes are still crossing, but other than that he's back to his normal self. I cannot wait for the eyes to go back to normal. He'll be my old Cooper then! :) Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!!!
Day 20: Nicknames ; UPDATED
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Katie's 30 Day Blog Challenge |
Nickname (who calls me this)
Em (most people close to me)
Emy (my family, it was my childhood nickname, not my favorite anymore, but loved it as a child)
Amelia (Stephanie) this is the one I forgot the other day, Steph always calls me this and it's one of my all time favorites!
Mama (Cooper)
Honey (my hubby)
It's as simple as that!
Day 19: Something you miss
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Link up with Katie for the 30 Day Blog Challenge |
Girl Time. I miss Girl Time with these special ladies!
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Left to right: Joni, Erica, Shannon |
I miss these girls. We used to always spend time together. Then. We all got hitched and two of us had babies. Now our lives are getting in the way. We really need to get some of our girl time back. Back in 2003 the three of us along with another lady, all took a November trip to St. Louis. Those were the days. I miss random shopping and hanging out with these girls. We don't even have a recent picture together! ACK! Well, Joni and I both have birthdays coming up and I am going to DEMAND that we all get together and hang out! :)
Thankful Thursday
Today I am SO thankful for Cooper being ok. Here is the story, but just for a quick recap, Cooper has been pretty sick for the last couple of weeks, and yesterday he had to have an MRI. The doctor called around 10:30 last night. She told us the MRI was clear and Cooper's eyes were crossing because of a virus and nothing to do wrong with his brain. The Johnson Five are VERY THANKFUL today.
Day 18 & What's New with The Johnson Five
I'm a bit early posting this, but I wanted to get our What's New out as soon as I could tonight.
Day 18: Something you regret
This is a difficult topic for me. I would say that my something that I regret right now is that I do not have a church home. Since Tim and I got married (in March 2008) we haven't been able to find a church home. We have been TERRIBLE about it. We've tried several places, gone to a few of them for periods of time, but never settled. Now that Cooper is here, and he is getting old enough to start going to Sunday school, it is TIME TO DECIDE ALREADY. I am hoping to try a few more places and figure it out very soon.
What's New with The Johnson Five (this is a looooong post, sorry!)
So, I haven't posted about the family for awhile due to multiple postings for the 30 day blog challenge and with the busy-ness of my (our) lives lately. The drama started about 11 days ago. Saturday October 16 we took Cooper to get his 12 month pictures taken, but that morning he puked. I'm talking his entire morning bottle puked. After that, he started acting normal, a little more tired, but mostly normal for Cooper. So we went andt got his pictures taken then to Olive Garden for lunch.
Sunday, Cooper and I took Andrew back to school. On the way home, Cooper screamed. I mean SCREAMED. One hour and fifteen minutes of constant screaming. Then when we got home, more screaming. He wouldn't eat, he wouldn't take a nap, just kept screaming. Stephanie came home, held him for long enough so that I could get him some ibuprofin and then thank goodness Tim came home and helped me with him too. He finally ate dinner, and went to bed early. THEN. HE. WOKE. UP. AT. 11PM. AND PUKED. AGAIN. AND AGAIN. Shower time for him and me who was also covered in puke.
Monday morning bright and early I took Coop to the urgent care center at 8am since his doctor doesn't open until 9. They diagnosed him with an ear infection and said his puking was caused by being "sea sick" from losing equilibrium from his ears. He got a shot of anti-biotic and homeward bound we were. He puked that day 4 or 5 times. He felt pitiful. He was clingy and so sickly all day. I loved having him lay with me, but completely hated seeing him feel so bad.
Tuesday, still not feeling well, Tim stayed home with him. He kept puking and so Tim took him to his doctor, only she was on vacation, so he saw her backup. Said he had a stomach virus and ear infection. Another antibiotic shot and homeward bound. I worked that day, but was off with Cooper on Wednesday as he was beginning to feel better. He still couldn't keep anything down.
Wednesday, he didn't puke all day, so we were thankful and thought that he would be okay to go back to the babysitter on Thursday, so he did. He didn't eat much for lunch on Thursday, but came home and puked anyway. Friday, same as Thursday. But Friday he went back to acting abnormally again. Saturday he was sickly and yucky again, didn't puke but once, and not much, so we didn't worry that much. Sunday he only puked once, but it was enough that we decided to take him back to the doctor this past Monday the 25th.
Coop's doc said she was concerned, so we got some x-rays done. Turns out, Cooper was more than constipated, he was impacted. Plus he had walking pneumonia. So, after 2 baby enemas and some antibiotics, he was back to the babysitters this morning, HOWEVER. Last night, his eyes started looking funny. Like he couldn't focus easily and his right eye was crossing in a bit. We thought he was just tired, so off to bed he went. This morning it wasn't better, actually seemed a bit worse, but to the babysitter he went and we called the doctor just after 8. They wanted to see him immediately.
Tim took him in, and the doctor ordered a CAT scan. The hospital couldn't fit him in until 3pm, but they were going to try, if we just would wait around the hospital, and turns out he was going to have an MRI instead. So, we waited, and waited, and waited. Finally they gave him the MRI. We have no results yet, but he's feeling ok, he's sleeping peacefully and we thank God for that. I am PRAYING it is nothing but a virus that is causing his eyes to cross. We've had 11 days of constant, never ending Cooper sickness. We need a break. I need to get back to work. Tim needs to get back to work. I've NEVER been off this many days except when I was on maternity leave.
So, we are PRAYING, and HOPING that whatever the Lord has in store for us, we'll be able to handle. We'll hear from the doctor in the morning.
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Link up with Katie for the 30 Day Blog Challenge! |
Day 18: Something you regret
This is a difficult topic for me. I would say that my something that I regret right now is that I do not have a church home. Since Tim and I got married (in March 2008) we haven't been able to find a church home. We have been TERRIBLE about it. We've tried several places, gone to a few of them for periods of time, but never settled. Now that Cooper is here, and he is getting old enough to start going to Sunday school, it is TIME TO DECIDE ALREADY. I am hoping to try a few more places and figure it out very soon.
What's New with The Johnson Five (this is a looooong post, sorry!)
So, I haven't posted about the family for awhile due to multiple postings for the 30 day blog challenge and with the busy-ness of my (our) lives lately. The drama started about 11 days ago. Saturday October 16 we took Cooper to get his 12 month pictures taken, but that morning he puked. I'm talking his entire morning bottle puked. After that, he started acting normal, a little more tired, but mostly normal for Cooper. So we went andt got his pictures taken then to Olive Garden for lunch.
Sunday, Cooper and I took Andrew back to school. On the way home, Cooper screamed. I mean SCREAMED. One hour and fifteen minutes of constant screaming. Then when we got home, more screaming. He wouldn't eat, he wouldn't take a nap, just kept screaming. Stephanie came home, held him for long enough so that I could get him some ibuprofin and then thank goodness Tim came home and helped me with him too. He finally ate dinner, and went to bed early. THEN. HE. WOKE. UP. AT. 11PM. AND PUKED. AGAIN. AND AGAIN. Shower time for him and me who was also covered in puke.
Monday morning bright and early I took Coop to the urgent care center at 8am since his doctor doesn't open until 9. They diagnosed him with an ear infection and said his puking was caused by being "sea sick" from losing equilibrium from his ears. He got a shot of anti-biotic and homeward bound we were. He puked that day 4 or 5 times. He felt pitiful. He was clingy and so sickly all day. I loved having him lay with me, but completely hated seeing him feel so bad.
Tuesday, still not feeling well, Tim stayed home with him. He kept puking and so Tim took him to his doctor, only she was on vacation, so he saw her backup. Said he had a stomach virus and ear infection. Another antibiotic shot and homeward bound. I worked that day, but was off with Cooper on Wednesday as he was beginning to feel better. He still couldn't keep anything down.
Wednesday, he didn't puke all day, so we were thankful and thought that he would be okay to go back to the babysitter on Thursday, so he did. He didn't eat much for lunch on Thursday, but came home and puked anyway. Friday, same as Thursday. But Friday he went back to acting abnormally again. Saturday he was sickly and yucky again, didn't puke but once, and not much, so we didn't worry that much. Sunday he only puked once, but it was enough that we decided to take him back to the doctor this past Monday the 25th.
Coop's doc said she was concerned, so we got some x-rays done. Turns out, Cooper was more than constipated, he was impacted. Plus he had walking pneumonia. So, after 2 baby enemas and some antibiotics, he was back to the babysitters this morning, HOWEVER. Last night, his eyes started looking funny. Like he couldn't focus easily and his right eye was crossing in a bit. We thought he was just tired, so off to bed he went. This morning it wasn't better, actually seemed a bit worse, but to the babysitter he went and we called the doctor just after 8. They wanted to see him immediately.
Tim took him in, and the doctor ordered a CAT scan. The hospital couldn't fit him in until 3pm, but they were going to try, if we just would wait around the hospital, and turns out he was going to have an MRI instead. So, we waited, and waited, and waited. Finally they gave him the MRI. We have no results yet, but he's feeling ok, he's sleeping peacefully and we thank God for that. I am PRAYING it is nothing but a virus that is causing his eyes to cross. We've had 11 days of constant, never ending Cooper sickness. We need a break. I need to get back to work. Tim needs to get back to work. I've NEVER been off this many days except when I was on maternity leave.
So, we are PRAYING, and HOPING that whatever the Lord has in store for us, we'll be able to handle. We'll hear from the doctor in the morning.
Day 17: Something you're looking forward to
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Link up with Katie for the 30 Day Blog Challenge |
There are many things that I'm looking foward to, but these two are at the top of my list!
Each Day as Cooper Grows Up!
Growing old with my Hubby!
Top 2 Tuesday!
It's TOP 2 TUESDAY over @ The Undomestic Momma, and the topic is "Top 2 Halloween or Fall crafts/decor/party ideas"
Mine will be fall decorating ideas and here they are!
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I love this entry way, very classy and "fall-y" :) |
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I love these vases filled with pumpkins and candy and other fall things! |
Day 16: Dream house
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Link up to the 30 Day Blog Challenge here @ Katie's Journey! |
So I'm not for sure what my perfect dream house is, but I love the Craftsman Style. I've been in love with them for years. They are beautiful. Here are a few examples of the the houses that I love. I know I want at least 3 bedrooms and an office, along with a big open kitchen, at least 2.5 bathrooms and a basement. Oh, also someplace my hubby can do his woodworking AND someplace that we can store our cars. I'm not asking for much, right??? :) Anyway, for now, my dreamhouse is no where in sight for me, we are staying put until this house regains some value and we get some debt paid off. It could be YEARS. I cannot wait to see some of your dream houses! Here are those pictures!
Day 15: Bible verse
My favorite Bible verse is by far John 3:16. I can remember being in junior high and reading through my bible at a youth group gathering and us discussing this verse. It hit me hard. God gave his son for me! God gave his son for you! For Everyone!
I am so thankful for the precious gift we were all given, and I gladly accepted that gift. I hope if you are reading you will too.
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Having fun reading? Join Katie and many others for the 30 Day Blog Challenge and LINK UP! |
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
My favorite Bible verse is by far John 3:16. I can remember being in junior high and reading through my bible at a youth group gathering and us discussing this verse. It hit me hard. God gave his son for me! God gave his son for you! For Everyone!
I am so thankful for the precious gift we were all given, and I gladly accepted that gift. I hope if you are reading you will too.
Day 14: A picture you love
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Go over to Katie's Journey for the 30 Day Blog Challenge |
How could I possibly pick just one? These pictures are all Cooper from birth to 3 months. He started smiling around 10 weeks, so most of these are from then to 3 months. I just LOVE his first smiles. I took soooooo many pictures of him smiling. I think I will always love seeing him smile, and I especially love the first ones!
Thanks for reading, come back tomorrow for day 15! =)
Day 13: Goals
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Link up with Katie for the 30 Day Blog Challenge! |
Goals are difficult. I had so many. And now. I'm not sure what's wrong with me, but I don't have many. I have achieved so many of my lifetime goals. I think now, I need new ones. This topic has made me realize that my goals were too short term and I need to think ahead more. Here are my old goals. I will be thinking of some new ones soon.
My goals were this:
Career Goals:
- Get a good job after college. - DONE. I achieved this goal officially on Valentine's Day 2005. I was a temp to hire at Sallie Mae starting on July 26, 2004 and was made permanent on February 14, 2005. I got a promotion in 2006 and another in 2008.
- Become a supervisor. - DONE. I became a supervisor in February 2010. I was thrilled to become the supervisor of my old group. The entire group was moved under my new boss and I became their supervisor, yay!
- Get married by 28. - DONE. I got married on March 7, 2008. My 28th birthday was November 21, 2008. I realize that getting married by a certain age is a ridiculous goal to have, but it was my goal.
- Have a baby by 30. - DONE. I became a mom on October 3, 2009. My 30th birthday is November 21, 2010. So I was still 28 when I had Cooper, but was almost 29.
- Have a happy marriage and child. - DONE. My marriage is wonderful. My husband is one of the most thoughtful and caring people I know. He and I are so happy. Now don't get me wrong, there are bad days along with all of the GREAT ones, but most days are nearly perfect. My son, Cooper, is amazing. He's so so so happy. I love watching him laugh. He gets thrills from some of the silliest things and I just love everything about him!
- Have another baby by 32. - This is a goal that we are working towards. We are hoping to start trying to get me pregnant early in 2011. Wish us luck!
This was a tough day in the 30 Day Blog Challenge, I'm glad this one is over!
Day 12: What you believe
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Join Katie, me and many others for the 30 Day Blog Challenge! |
I believe many things! Here are a few.
- MY NUMBER ONE BELIEF: I believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, My Lord and My Savior.
- I believe in unconditional love.
- I believe that to be able to love someone, you must first love yourself.
- I believe in TRUTH and KINDNESS.
- I believe true friendships can last forever.
- I believe I can accomplish my goals with hard work, dedication, and time.
- I believe in my family. I believe they will be there for me when times are rough and when times are rosy.
So, those are a few of my beliefs for Katie’s 30 day blog challenge, I cannot wait to read some of yours!
Day 11: Favorite TV Shows

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Link up with me, Katie and many others for the 30 Day Blog Challenge here! |
Let me just first say, I watch too much TV, always have, and probably always will. Now
that that cat is out of the bag, here are my favorite TV shows!
(not in any specific order)
Grey’s Anatomy
Brother’s & Sisters
Desperate Housewives
Dirty Sexy Money (why, oh why did they have to cancel???)
Big Bang Theory

Any many many more, including almost anything that is on HGTV, E! and sometimes Style or Bravo. Love me some Kardashians! =]
Day 10: Something you're afraid of
These things are scary to me, but I can deal with them if I see them, it's not like I run away crying, but I am afraid of them!!
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Join lots of us for Days 11-30! |
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YUCK! Also... |
Day 9: A picture(s) of your friends
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Day 9: Join Katie and many others for the 30 day blog challenge |
All of these pictures were taken in September 2009 at one of my baby showers. These are only the folks that could make it to the shower of all of my good friends, I'm still missing a few, I'm the fat prego lady in black, the others in order are Erica, Shannon, my mom, Tiffanie, Debbie, Mary and Jeanne.