Time Flies

Katy is SIX months!
Thankful in November - Day Thirty
Day thirty. Today, I am thankful a little boy who is as excited about the Christmas season as I am. Tonight, Tim put up our tree and Cooper got to put on the first ornament. He was so excited. Tomorrow, we will decorate the rest of the tree, house and make it feel like Christmas in our house. I cannot wait.
Doing these daily thankful posts has been a great reminder of the people and things I am thankful for day in and day out. Thanks to everyone for putting up with these posts!
Thankful in November - Day Twenty-nine
Day 29 - Kieran. Kieran is the fine lady in the middle of this picture. She is my grandma on my dad's side. She and my grandpa married when I was very young. I do not remember a time when Kieran wasn't in my life. She has been a big part of my life as far back as I can remember. Kieran is such a special person in my life. She's done so much for me and I am thankful to have her in my life. When I was a kid, I can remember her taking me to camp out with the Girl Scouts with her niece Amanda. I remember her taking my brother and I over to visit her mom and I loved that! Kieran has lived a very neat life and I will never forget when she told me all about it for a biography that I had to write about someone in middle school. I chose Kieran and I am so glad I did. I have learned so much from Kieran and love her dearly! Love you Kieran!
Thankful in November - Day Twenty-Eight
Today, I am thankful for Thanksgiving. It's an opportunity to gather with loved ones, eat lots of delicious food, and be thankful to God for blessing us with WAY more than we deserve.
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Thankful in November - Day Twenty-Seven
Thankful in November - Day Twenty-Six
Thankful in November - Day Twenty-Four
Today, will be short and sweet, quite literally. I am thankful for ice cream.
Ice cream is my ultimate comfort food, and it may be crazy to be thankful for the stuff but I am. I love it.
Thankful in November - Day Twenty-Three
Thankful in November - Day Twenty-Two
Today, I am thankful for water. Good Ole H-2-0. I'm thankful for our supply of water and that we have clean water. Water is so important to our lives, it may seem like a small thing to be thankful for, but I believe water is pretty darn important. I drink almost nothing except water and milk. On very few occasions do I drink a carbonated beverage or some other type of flavored drink, so for drinking purposes, water is key. Water needed for so much......for bathing, for washing clothes, dishes, hands, how could we survive without all of the water we use? So the next time you're taking your nice hot bath, or swimming in a swimming pool, ocean, or lake, the next time you wash your clothes, smile, because you've got this wonderful liquid called water.
Thankful in November - Day Twenty-One

Day twenty-one.... Birthdays.
Thankful in November - Day Twenty
Thankful in November - Day Nineteen

Thankful in November - Day Eighteen

Thankful in November - Day Seventeen
Today, I am thankful for this book. I love reading, but don't have the time to dedicate like I did pre-kids. I have been reading this book though, and I am loving it. Loving that I would rather read this than watch TV in the evenings. This maybe the beginning of me reading more frequently again. So, I am thankful that this book has reminded me of my passion for reading!
Thankful in November - Day Sixteen
Day sixteen - I am thankful for our Saturday morning routine.
I love our Saturday family ritual of all 4 of us snuggling in bed talking, tickling and watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Lots of laughs are involved! Thank goodness we have a king size bed! Cooper and Kate play together so well, he is such a good big brother!! She absolutely loves him. The picture above is from this morning's playtime. I love my family!
I know these days are limited so I am soaking up every minute!
Thankful in November - Day Fifteen
Apparently Nana, Papaw Shawn and Cooper like to match, lol. |
Thankful in November - Day Fourteen
Thankful in November - Day Thirteen

Thankful in November - Day Twelve
Thankful in November - Day Eleven
Soup, I cannot wait to watch you grow! Love you sweetie girl!
Thankful in November - Day Ten
Thankful in November - Day Nine
Thankful in November - Day Eight
This man, my husband, my love. I've said many times (for example, here, here, here, here) how much I love Tim and how great he really is to us. I am so thankful for him in my life and our kids lives. He brings us so much laughter, joy, and he entertains us like no one else can. Tim can brighten up a crappy day lickety split. He also has a serious side, and though we don't see it much, he does have it, and he brings it out when necessary. He has an obsession with Harry Potter, one that he may finally be letting go of a little bit..... He loves mysteries, especially Sherlock Holmes and other murder mysteries. He's obsessed with history. He loves learning about the assassinations of both Lincoln and JFK. He works his butt off for his family, goes beyond the call of duty and I am proud and thankful to call him my husband.
Tim, I love you and I thank you for being you.

Thankful in November - Day Seven
Thankful in November - Day Six
Thankful in November -Day Five
Day Five - Chapstick. Particularly Blistex Complete Moisture.
This stuff is wonderful on my lips. Makes them so soft and keeps the dryness away all year long. I have tried tons of different chapsticks, and this one is by far my favorite.
Do you have a favorite chapstick?