
Random Tuesday

Here's some radom to go along with whatever your doing today.....

  • I forgot to post my 22 week Baby Johnson update last week, so I plan to do that later, hopefully today.  If not, you might just see two weeks worth on Friday.
  • TOMORROW..... I am having a guest post from my BFF, Erica, and also a giveaway, so be sure to come back tomorrow and check that out.
  • My breakfast today was so delicious I have to share with you - a banana and peanut butter....  yummo!
  • Today is a shorter day for me at work, I'm leaving about an hour early to take Cooper to the local bounce house place to play with his buddy Max.  It should be fun.
  • The next two weekends should be busy busy busy....  we're going to be working on Katy's room.  Tim wants to have it done by March 9th and we've got stuff going on both of the first two weekends in March, so we'll have to kick butt at it this weekend!
  • My little Cooper boy is so crazy.  He's obsessed with water, showers, baths, washing his hands, etc.  If he could, I think he'd be in the water or playing with water 100% of his time.
  • If you haven't entered yet, please be sure to head over to my BBFF Holly's blog, to enter in her 1,000 follower giveaway!
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  • I'm currently overwhelmed with magazines.  I have two months worth of Good Housekeeping,
    Weight Watchers Magazine and HGTV magazine to read.  I make sure I keep up with my People subscription weekly, but it seems everything else falls to the wayside.....
  • Babies Pregnant Mamas are everywhere around me.  I have two neighbors that are pregnant, a co-worker and Max's mom is also pregnant.  I feel like I am surrounded by people having babies.  Love having people to commiserate with!
  • I haven't seen Kampbell since last week and it's driving me crazy, I need to see that little girl soon!
That's it, enough random from me today.  What's going on with you?  It's Tuesday folks.  One step closer to the weekend.....

1 comment :

Kate said...

Bleh, magazines! I got a free subscription to Minnesota Monthly from supporting my public radio station and I NEVER have the time or desire to read it. But it's a pretty, glossy magazine, so I can't bring myself to throw it away so we have STACKS of it. Maybe I need to start making collages? :)