
Mamarazzi Monday

Linking up with Breanna today over at Counting Blessings for her first Mamarazzi Monday! 

Here are some pictures from this past week & weekend..

Valentine's morning, he got a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse battery operated airplane/fan that has candy in the bottom, and a miniature checkers set with rug like you'd find at Cracker Barrell.  He was so excited about both.

Cooper laying in the new baby bed/rocker.  This thing holds up to 40 lbs, and he's been begging me to let him sit in it, so I figured, why not?  And yes, he still wears his Halloween Football costume a couple of times a week.  Crazy kid.

The next two are Cooper in his "tent."  He's been watching a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episode where they go camping, so he wanted his own tent.  a couple of chairs and a blanket later, and BAM, a tent we had...

A short trip to Home Depot after church yesterday.  Cooper loves the carts where he gets to drive or sit not in the actual cart part.  They are much harder to push, but for a short trip, we can handle it.

The last picture is one Erica took yesterday.  Cooper was playing hockey.  Yup, in cowboy boots, pjs, and his bicycle helmet.   Oh, and it's a golf club that he uses for his hockey stick, of course!

A couple of videos, cause I can't just do pictures... Cooper loves singing to us after church and school each day.  What a stinker, LOVE him so much!

Now, it's your turn, link up and show us pictures of your babies! :)


Breanna said...

Oh my goodness gracious - Cooper is a DOLL! I love the videos! Haha! :) Thank you SO much for linking up with us! We hope to have you back next week! :) <3

Breanna :)

Kimmyyy83 said...

Tent making is probably my top 3 favorite things about having kids

and i stole your button!

Hope your day was fab!!!!!!!

Tausha Wierlo said...

Oh my gosh!!! SOOOOO stinking cute!! He is precious - thanks for linking up :) Hope to see you next Monday!!

Leah said...

Great pics! I can't wait until my son is into building tents!