
Weekend Wrap-up

This weekend was my Dad’s birthday.  Tim, Cooper and I headed south on Saturday morning for the festivities. 

First we stopped at my grandma’s house.  I love to visit her and she loves to see her great-grandchild.  Cooper sure makes her laugh.  And he loves her too.  I was dumb and left the camera in the car, so I have no pictures, we were there for a couple of hours –  Love my grandma!

Then we went bowling with Dad, Gwen, Craig, Casey, Larissa and Layne.  Cooper and Layne had never been bowling before, so that was quite an experience.  They don’t quite have the attention span necessary yet, but I still think they had fun.

Cooper and Tim rolling his ball down the lane.  The kids had bumper  bowling.  Thank Goodness.

Craig helping Layne

Then there was the goofing off of the boys when they got bored.


Dad and his grandkids.  So hard to get a good shot, this was the best one.

Then we headed back to Dad and Gwen’s for pizza, cake and ice cream.


Dad opening cards.

The boys tackling Larissa.

Caught grandpa sleeping while Cooper and Kieran are watching Dora.

That was a fun day.  Sunday we had breakfast with Dad and Gwen, then went to my mom’s to visit and have lunch.  It was a wonderful weekend – especially celebrating Dad’s birthday.  I love my dad so much!  How was your weekend?  Happy Monday, ladies.


Shelli said...

Such a fun family weekend! Bowling is so much fun!

Holly said...

Family bowling is the best winter activity; everyone loves it. And Happy 56th Birthday to your Dad! :)

Elise said...

Hi! I am your partner for the ornament swap. I need to get your address. Could you email it to me? Thanks so much!

Kimmyyy83 said...

Love bowling! And go cooper 88! Here we have these little ramp things the kids can use to push their ball, its actually pretty cool and avoids the slowwwwest rollllssss of alllll timmmme my kids used to do lol

Kimmyyy83 said...

Love bowling! And go cooper 88! Here we have these little ramp things the kids can use to push their ball, its actually pretty cool and avoids the slowwwwest rollllssss of alllll timmmme my kids used to do lol