Tuesday night. We had some neighbors over for dinner, Tim always brags about my cooking to his buddies, and this time it was the buffalo chicken stuffed shells. So, he wanted to invite them over to have dinner and they brought the dessert..... Chocolate cake. Now you can see what my almost 3 year old does with chocolate cake!
Thursday night, we needed to go to the mall, shopping for a new lawn mower. I told Tim while we were there, I wanted to eat dinner at the food court. NOT a good idea if I was watching what I was eating, but that day, and many days lately, I haven't been. Anyway, they have a children's play area in the food court and for a while, Cooper didn't even see it. We contemplated for a few minutes whether to show him, or to just go home. (Bad parents, right?) Anyway, my want and need for that boy to be TIRED that night won over and we let him play. He made some new friends and had fun.

This was after he finished playing. See? MESS, hot, sweaty and yup, tired.
I wish that had stopped him from staying up until 10pm singing in his bed, but no. He stayed in his bed like a good boy and sang his heart out until 10 on Thursday night. Oh well, at least he finally went to sleep when I was going to bed, cause I was exhausted that day.
Then there was last night.... Cooper had a successful potty session (poop) and when he does that (which is very infrequently) he gets an ice cream cone. We're definitely going to have to change this when he starts using potty for #2ing more frequently, that crap gets expensive..... Anywho, Cooper chose a chocolate ice cream cone and became this mess last night. At least he was happy!
Have a wonderful weekend! I'm off to visit some family and celebrate my neice's birthday!
what a cutie!
A Saturday blog post?! Who are you? :) But yes, if you go to the mall, you have to wear the kids out in the play area. I love that he sings to himself until he falls asleep. Such a cutie pie. :)
Ok, DIED over these pics of Cooper! Messy face and all, he looks like a happy kid and that is because he has such a great momma :) I was thinking food court today, too - must be the phase of the moon??
Happy Weekend, friend!
That last picture needs to be in a frame FOR SURE. How cute!!!! I can not believe he did not notice the play land, my kids spot them from miles away you are lucky!
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