Coupon Queen (sometimes)
Recipe: Yeast Rolls & Cinnamon Rolls
2 pkg yeast
1 cup milk
3/4 cup sugar
3 eggs- room temp. Beaten
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup lukewarm water
2 pkg yeast
Yeast mixture
1 stick melted margarine or butter
1 cup milk (it’s best if room temp also, but doesn’t have to be)
3/4 cup sugar
3 eggs- room temp. Beaten (tip on making eggs room temperature fast: place in a bowl with warm (not hot) water for about 5 minutes, then they’ll pretty much be room temp)
6 cups flour( may use a little more or less, you want them to be sticky and not too dry, I used about 6.5 cups each time, but I was mixing with Kitchenaid stand mixer & dough hook)
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
I hope you enjoy – both versions of this recipe are simply delicious!!! J
Misc Monday
Baby Johnson: 20 Weeks
Let’s get into the new stuff for this week.
- On Monday, we were to get the results back from the quad screen that I had done the previous Monday. I told you here that baby had a place on her heart that was a bit concerning (overwhelmingly for the mama) and we did this blood screen to make sure there were no chromosomal abnormalities. Well, the results did indeed come back and there is a 1 in 5117 chance that baby has anything wrong, so THANK YOU for the prayers, I really appreciate it! Mama about jumped for joy I was so happy that she is going to be ok.
- Sleep – that has been quite difficult this week. Tuesday night was awful, I slept from around 10 to 3:30 then was up until 5:15, slept for a half hour, then had to get up and get ready for work. It was a brutal day. Exhausted. Then Wednesday night I was up from 3-5 but did go back to sleep after that until the alarm. Thank God I slept last night. I still had to wake up to pee a couple of times, but thankfully I went right back to sleep each time.
- I’ve had a couple of times this week where I’ve tried to move around like I didn’t have this belly in front of me and got up too fast, or tried to play with Cooper and have had some muscle pain in my lower abdomen. I’ve got to realize that I am indeed pregnant and not everything is going to work the same as it did when I wasn’t!
- It’s getting harder and harder for Cooper to sit on my lap when we read books before his bedtime. Poor guy will probably not be able to sit on mama’s lap for too much longer, I’m sure we’ll find a way to cope somehow.
- Cooper is still pretty excited about his baby sister. One night this week when I was putting him to bed, he didn’t want to sing songs, he wanted to talk about Katy and where she’d sleep, her room, and anything else he could come up with. He’s cute and I know he’s going to be such a good big brother!!
Pregnancy Favorites (first half)
So What! Wednesday

- I wish I could be home, in bed, catching up on sleep. I’ve been awake since 3:39AM this morning. Well, I probably got 30 minutes of sleep between 5:47 and 6:18, but other than that zilch. I’m tired.
- My daughter will be almost a year younger than her precious niece Soup? They’ll still play together and have fun.
- The last two days all my family has had for cooked meals is pasta. Sue me, I’m craving carbs.
- I eat oatmeal for breakfast almost every day at work, out of a Styrofoam coffee cup. I’m too darn lazy to actually wash dishes. The coffee cup works fine.
- I skipped the normal tv time with the hubby last night, I wanted to catch up on blog reading, so I spent almost two hours reading and caught almost caught up!
- I’m obsessed with People magazine and People.com. So what? I like to know what’s going on with celebrities?
- I eat cheese and crackers in bed several nights per week? I make sure that I get the crumbs out before I actually go to bed.
- I gain forty pounds again during this pregnancy? I seriously hope I don’t, but that ice cream every night isn’t helping things. I’ve only gone up 5 lbs so far, and I’m ½ way there, crossing my fingers on this one….
- I want the baby’s room done now. And by now, I mean like this weekend. It won’t happen, I know that, but I still want it.
Winter's Highs and Lows
Weekend Wrap-up & MPM
\We have had a busy yet pretty fun weekend. Friday evening, Tim, Cooper and I drove to Louisville, KY to visit my dad in the hospital. I mentioned here that he had been in quite a car accident. He to have a follow up surgery on the 18th, so we went to visit and see how it all went. Other than being nauseous and in a lot of pain due to the surgery, he was going to be fine. The surgeon was quite impressed with his work, and that’s what we always want!
Cooper fell asleep in the car on the way down, we were only about 30 minutes from the hospital, but at least he got a little nap.
After the hospital we stopped to get my beloved King Fish for dinner then headed to my Mom’s house. We stayed the night at her house. Cooper stayed awake until around 10 that night when we all decided to hit the sack.
The next morning, we hung around my mom’s house for awhile, then went to lunch and then we headed to the hospital to visit my dad. We stayed around the hospital for a couple of hours then went home back to Indy, back to the frigid temperatures. On the way home, my boy fell asleep quickly in the car, he’d had a long day.
Sunday we had church, out for lunch, then came home, made some more brownie cupcakes, hung out with Erica and Mel, and watched several children’s television shows. My favorite!
When we were at lunch, Cooper sang us a song that he had learned. I’ve gotta tell you, this made me tear up, I was so proud at this moment.
Today, Three day weekend for us due to MLK holiday, we visited with Steph, Ryan and Soup, she’s just the cutest thing! Tim put up some shelves around Kampbell’s room, and I made buffalo chicken stuffed shells for us to eat for lunch. Yummo!
This is a long post, but I need to get my MPM post in for the week!
Here’s what’s on the menu for this week.
- Steak and baked potatoes
- Teriyaki Chicken Noodle Bowls
- Grilled Chicken over a green salad
- Tuna Salad Sandwiches
- Spaghetti (we didn’t have this last week)
- Chicken Stroganoff (we didn’t have this last week)
That’s it! Easy peesy! What’s on your menu for this week?
Baby Johnson: 19 Weeks
- I had two appointments this week. The first one was on Monday for the anatomy scan with the Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) office. I get to visit them because I’m high risk and they tell me all about the baby’s heart and I get a more detailed ultrasound. We even got to see the 3D ultrasound and boy was it creepy at 18 weeks 3 days! All of the pictures we got were pretty horrible, so I’m not going to put them on here. But that is the day we got to find out we’re having a girl. Baby’s heartbeat was 153 bpm. They did find an Intracardiac Echogenic Focus (ICEF) on baby’s heart, which gives us a slightly higher risk for chromosomal abnormality than a baby without this condition. The ICEF does nothing to the function of the heart, and in normal babies it will disappear sometime during the 3rd trimester. I did the quad screen blood test during my appointment, and the results of this should help determine if there is anything wrong. If the test results come back with high likeliness, we’ll have to do more testing, so any/all prayers you can give us for good results are much appreciated! I go back on Feb 19 to MFM for another ultrasound.
- The second appointment was with my regular OB, they did more bloodwork, and they measured me as well as hearing baby’s heartbeat again. It was 142 bpm at this appointment. Doc assured me that I shouldn’t worry about the ICEF, that in his experience, he’s never seen any abnormality if that was the only thing that was found on the ultrasound. He did say that its possible, but not likely. Again, prayers are appreciated. It was a quick appointment – I don’t go back until Feb 19 for my 24th week appointment.
- The baby has started moving quite a bit since Monday. She got poked and prodded enough to decide to start kicking her mama. Right after that ultrasound, Katy started moving where I could feel her. I love feeling her and I have really missed this, and knowing that it’s the last time I’ll feel it makes it even more special.
- Sleep has remained the same, waking up frequently and finding it hard to go back to sleep after my internal 5am wakeup call.
- Cooper has been pretty excited about his baby sister. Last night he even asked Tim to forgo singing songs with him so that they could talk about the baby. So sweet. He’s going to be a great big brother!
- Stephanie brought over all of Soup’s newborn and 0-3 month clothes yesterday, so I get to start looking at what little miss will be wearing! Thanks Steph!
- We’ve decided on decorations for Katy’s room, so excited for that reveal later on in this journey, but we’ve got a lot of purging to do before that time comes!
Baby Johnson: Gender Reveal
I haven’t done a MPM post in quite awhile, because frankly, we haven’t been making meal plans. We’ve been just going with the flow and making whatever, but not this week. We planned out the next couple of weeks – so plan on at least a post for the next two weeks with our meal plans.
Tim and I are trying especially hard to stick to our grocery budget, and he’s trying to keep as healthy as he can as he’s trying to lose some weight. We did all of our grocery shopping over the weekend and not only stuck to the budget, we were way under! So… without further adieu, here’s our meal plan for this week.
Sunday: 2x4 (soup-very chili like)
Monday: Soup & Grilled Cheese
Tuesday: Breakfast
Wednesday: Stuffed Buffalo Chicken Shells, Green Beans
Thursday: Salmon, Broccoli, Couscous
Friday: Out of Town
Saturday: Out of town if we make it home for dinner, well have Spaghetti
That’s our meal plan for this week!
Do you meal plan? Do you find that it helps your family stick to a budget and eat at home rather than going out?!? We do, it has really helped us in the past and we need to get back to it!
Baby Johnson: 18 Weeks
- My sleep has become more interrupted. I seem to wake up at least 2 times to pee. Then, around 5am each morning, I am awake and I’m finding it hard to fall back to sleep. My normal wake-up time is 6, so this 5am wakeup call has really started to annoy me.
- We find out on MONDAY the gender of baby as long as baby cooperates!!!
- We are planning to tell Cooper that he’s having a baby brother or sister this weekend! EEKS, anyone have any good ideas on how to tell a 3 year old?!?!
- My insulin requirements are pretty much the same, my doctor has added some insulin in at dinner, but that’s it.
Freezer French Toast Stix