First, I want to wish My Mama a Happy Birthday! She is 29 again today! I love you Mom, you are THE BEST!!!
Awhile ago, my friend Holly, tagged me in a blog post to answer a few questions for you, and tell you some random tidbits about my life. I'm a pretty open book in this blog, so I hope I'm sharing new things with you. If not, I'll try harder next time.
Random Facts/Crap about me:
1) I love Peanut Butter. On Bananas, Ice Cream, Apples, Bread, etc. BUT, I don't like peanut butter cookies. WEIRD? I think so.
2) I am OCD about personal finance. I'm seriously obsessed. I check our bank account daily, I know what goes in and out at all times. Watch out when something comes up that I haven't planned for, this Mama gets a little bit cray cray. I think it's a good thing. I like us to keep on track and my type A personality (about finances especially) helps us do it. We have goals. They cost money. I help us reach those goals even if it means being OCD. :)
3) If I could, I would quit my job today and I'd open up a bakery/cafe. Hubby and I have talked about it, but I am so risk adverse, that I just cannot take the plunge.
4) I looooooooove bags. Purses, gym bags, beach bags, totes, lunch bags, etc. I just cannot stop shopping for them, and buying them. Bags are great. Speaking of bags, there is the cutest tote bag on Groupon right now. I'm trying so hard to resist.
5) I read One for the Money and just picked up Two for the Dough the other day. I cannot wait to read it. I really love reading, but lately, I've been slacking, too many shows on the DVR to catch up on and for some reason, it has been given priority over my books. hmmmm..
Now, onto Holly's questions.
If you could change your first name, what would you be called?
First off, I wouldn't change my name. If I had to, like a gun pointed to my head, I would change my name to Lilly. I've always loved that name, and wanted to name my daughter that (if we had one), but Tim is allergic to lillies, so I don't think I could quite do that to him.
What are you doing for Valentine's Day?
What's your favorite thing to order at Cracker Barrel?
Share a blog that we might not know about...
And post a funny high school picture :)
What are you doing for Valentine's Day?
We didn't do anything. We usually don't. I have never been a big Valentine's Day kind of gal. I don't guess I would mind celebating, but it's just not a big deal to me. I did pick up the hubby some roses and had them "delievered" to work, just to surprise him. ("delivered" because I faked it and delivered them myself, and made them look like the florist did it)
What's your favorite thing to order at Cracker Barrel?
The Apple Dumplin with vanilla bean ice cream! Is there anything else? I think not.
Share a blog that we might not know about...
Nine-Ninety-One, written by my friend Amy. She's such a funny southern gal, with two kiddos who are adorable. Check her out! :)
And post a funny high school picture :)
Ok, this isn't really a funny picture, but it's the only one I had with me and actually scanned into the computer. Senior prom, Oh the days.

1 comment :
I smiled through this whole post. :)
I'm OCD about money, too. My mom and dad were the complete opposite, so I guess it gives me a little anxiety.
And you love bags?! Me too! The cheaper the better. My current obsession is hoarding re-usable bags.
Happy Friday, friend. I hope the weather is calm in your part of Indy.
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