

I am freezing, cannot get warm and feel like I'm here:

It was -2 degrees Fahrenheit when I was driving to work this morning!  I knew it could get cold here in Indy, but I don't think I've experienced it being this cold before.  My drive to drop Cooper off at the babysitter is normally about 25 minutes, and I was just warming up when it was time to take him inside.  Thank goodness work isn't too far away, only about 5 more minutes and I got to get inside what I was hoping would be a *warm* building.


It's cold in here too!!  At this point, I'm ready to drive home, get in bed under lots of warm blankets and start hibernating.  I tell you, those bears are onto something there! 

I hope you all have a warmer day than I'm having so far.   It's almost Friday!

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