
Baby Johnson: 30 Weeks

Oops!  It’s the first time I’ve posted ALL WEEK!   I’ve just been at a loss for words.  But I have to do my weekly baby update, even if it’s just short and sweet.    30 weeks down, eight or nine to go!  I have a doc appointment on Monday, so I’m hoping she’ll be able to tell me we can set the date for induction or at least tell me a good range, and what she’s thinking. 

Updates this week:

I’ve worked every night painting in her room.  I’m officially finished with 1 of the approximately 10 colors, so that’s progress!  I’ve got paint on all of the last few walls, and I’m thinking it should be finished in 1-2 weeks at this pace. 

Miss Kathryn has been kicking me like she’s fighting some battle in there.  My belly moves all over the place, sometimes it’s so powerful she wakes me up during the night.   The overnight kicks scare me, I need her to get off of that schedule, I don’t want her to be getting her days and nights all mixed up like her big brother did!

I’m feeling pretty good, other than how crazy tired I am.  I seriously am ready for a nap within two hours of getting up in the mornings.  I think it’s pretty nuts, and I know it won’t get any better until many months after she arrives.  I’ll deal.

No crazy cravings this week.  I’ve actually cut back on the amount of food I’ve been able to eat, she’s taking up so much room in there I don’t have that much room for food anymore.  That’s a positive thing and I’ll take it.

Next week starts single-mommy hood until baby makes her appearance….  Tim is going to be umpiring 6 days/week starting on Monday, with double headers on Saturdays, so Cooper and I will have lots of bonding time. 

Cooper is starting swimming lessons next Monday as well, he’ll be doing that two days a week through the beginning of May.  I wanted to get the lessons in before the baby arrives.  I also wanted to give him the chance to do two months worth of lessons if I thought he needed it.  We’ll see how he does.

Onto the comparison picture…..  Everyone says I’m all belly and that my face is much thinner this time than with Cooper.  I’m not sure it’s all belly, but I like that it’s a possibility?!?

Last, but not least…

The weekly progression…

Have a wonderful weekend ladies!  To all of you ladies out there running the ½ marathon this weekend in STL, have fun and BE SAFE!  I’ll be rooting for you while teaching Sunday School!! J

1 comment :

Shelli said...

Looking good lady!! Have a great weekend!