Linking up with Shannon today for SO WHAT! Wednesday.
SO WHAT…. if I only blog once or twice week right now? I’m crazy busy being a “single” mama, and I’m pushing some things aside for a good majority of the week (like folding clean laundry, house cleaning and blogging).
SO WHAT…. if I haven’t cooked a meal for dinner since Tim started baseball. I’ve cooked stuff for lunches, that counts, right?
SO WHAT…. if I was jumping for joy that Tim’s game got canceled last night due to rain and I’m *hoping* his game tonight is rained out also??? Does that make me a bad wife? I like when my child gets to see his father and on a more selfish note, I like to be able to rest a bit (or get caught up on some of that clean laundry.)
SO WHAT…. if Cooper is obsessed with Boston Crème Pie yogurt? Yogurt is healthy, right?
SO WHAT…. if I am having a love/hate relationship with the RHOC so far this season. I normally LOVE that show, and I still cannot wait for it to come on, but something doesn’t seem as fun about it yet this season. I’m thinking next week should help – it looks pretty drama filled.
SO WHAT…. if I didn’t file my taxes this year until the Friday before they were due. That is the LATEST that I’ve ever filed. When you owe money it’s ok to file at the last minute, right?
SO WHAT…. if I’m ready for new shows to start again in the evenings. This re-run stuff is driving me crazy.
SO WHAT…. if I end almost every one of these “so what’s” with “,right?”
That’s it for today. Have a great Wednesday ladies!
Ugh! Is there anything more depressing than paying in? Totally worth it so my husband's old roommate can buy a novelty grill for his truck with his tax return, right?
I totally would have waited til the last minute if I was paying too!
I have the same issue with dinner during football season. If it's not take out or from the crockpot, we ain't eating it.
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