I'm linking up with Holly so that I can share some about my awesome mom.
I don’t have one particular story to share about my mom, honestly, there are just too many for me to single out one of them.
I have the most amazing Mama on the planet, hands down. (don’t argue with me, you’ll never win, I’m stubborn and I happen to love my mom that much)
My mom is my best girlfriend, my biggest supporter and she means the world to me. As I look back at my life, I know that my Mama made me who I am. She’s absolutely fabulous!
Mom ran me and my brother everywhere. We did every sport/club/activity possible as children. Soccer, basketball, swimming, dance, karate, gymnastics, tennis, 4-H, church youth group, plays & musicals, you name it, we probably did it at some point. We were always going, going, going. Mom was always there, at every event, showing her support. Getting us ready, dressing us (think dance recitals, tons of stage makeup) and doing whatever needed to be done for us.
My mom is always there for me. I can call her at 3a.m. and know that if I need to talk to her, she’ll talk, or if I need her, she’ll get in her car, and drive 2 hours to come to me. As she did when Cooper had to go into the hospital for his spinal tap & 2nd MRI back in 2010. As she did for me in college when I had an accident and almost lost my tooth in the middle of the night in my dorm. As she has done more times that I can even recall.
I love you Mom, always.
Thanks so much for linking up with us. What a wonderful post about your Mom! Happy Mother's Day!
I love this, Emily. It got me a little teary eyed.
Has anyone ever told you that you kind of look like Neve Campbell?
Happy Mother's Day!!
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