Today, we will not dress up, we will not trick-or-treat. Indianapolis has delayed trick-or-treating for the night. And I’m excited about it! Cooper will still get to trick-or-treat, albeit a day late, and we do not have to drag either kid out in the bad storms that are supposed to take place tonight. I know that today is “Halloween,” and that if you are tied to a specific date, that this probably is breaking your heart. But in my mind? I’m A-OK with changing the date so that we are not stuck in the storms and in the rain.
Cooper is going to dress up as a tiger, at least that is what he’s decided for this minute….. The kid has so many costumes, he cold be a race car driver, a boxer, Mickey Mouse, a tiger, an umpire, a baseball player, football player, a transformer…… He loves playing dress-up.
Katy will be a pumpkin. We inherited the cutest pumpkin costume from my friend Shannon. We did put it on her on Monday night just to see how cute she was going to be in it. I’m so excited that both of my kids will be dressed up and will get to go out and enjoy this holiday.
Since we haven’t dressed up yet, havent’ gotten candy yet, I thought I’d repost these pictures of my kiddos at the pumpkin patch this year.

But now…. I’m excited that my little boy is going to participate in walking around the neighborhood and knocking on people’s doors – I hope I can teach him how to nicely and politely say trick-or-treat, and “Thank you” for the candy that he receives.
We most likely will not let him eat any of the candy that he gets that night. We’ll buy him some at the store and he’ll love it just as much. Tim and I are crazy precautious of candy/food from people we don’t know. But that’s okay. Because what Cooper will experience this year, and what Kate will in future years is what it’s all about. THE EXPERIENCE!
Tonight, I think we’ll sit at home and watch Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin! J
So for all of you out there that will be out tonight – have fun! That’s what it’s all about!
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