Let’s talk fourth month details shall we?
Bug, you’ve had a rough couple of months. You’ve been transitioning from being at home with mama to being with Miss Charlotte and with your big Sissy. For some reason, you stopped eating as well as you did when it was just you and me home. The doctor says you were just catching up with yourself. BUT, you are becoming my little eating champ again! YAY!
My little booger, you were given the okay to start solid foods this past month and we started with cereal. Doc said to give it to you 3 times per day, breakfast, lunch and dinner. We tried that for a day, and you just didn’t want that much, so we scaled back to once a day for the first week, then we went twice per day. It took you a good two weeks to get the hang of eating from a spoon, and you haven't quite mastered it yet, but, you're doing much better than you were when you started. Hey, it's a learning thing and you're learning it quite well! You did MUCH better that way. After three weeks we started veggies. Now you eat veggies for lunch and cereal before bedtime. Your finally getting on a schedule! YIPPIE! Mama loves feeding schedules! We finally have something we can rely upon – and we can plan when we’re heading somewhere – when we have to leave somewhere etc. It’s so nice!
Here is your feeding schedule and what you’re eating right now:
These times are somewhat flexible within the time frame, and it normally doesn’t take you an hour to eat, so it’s a plus or minus thing here.
8-9am – 6-7 oz bottle
12-1pm – one tub of baby first foods and a 5-6 oz bottle
4-5pm – 6-7 oz bottle
7-8pm – 6 oz bottle with 3-4 tablespoons of oatmeal cereal
You wake up somewhere between 1am - 3am to eat every night. You did sleep through the night two times in the past month though, and those nights were amazing for your mama! Your mama likes to sleep! :)
Moving on from food…. You my girl are a talker! You babble quite a bit and I just love hearing your
You have the biggest brightest smile! And, you smile with your eyes, which makes me melt inside. You've started giggling this month too. Your laugh is so precious. I love hearing babies laugh, and you my dear are not the exception! I love, love, love hearing it!
We pulled the exersaucer out for you this month too. You can only stand it for a short amount of time, but you do love to play with the pandas that are on the see-saw.
Also, you really like to be able to see the world. You seem to love sitting in your high chair, the bumbo and anything else where you can see everyone. Lying down makes you mad, you like to look around!
You've become a very good napper. You'll take a couple of good 2 hour naps a day these days and sometimes a 3 hour nap! Your big brother wouldn't do that for us much, but it seems to make you happy!
You wear a size 3 diaper, 3-6 month and 6 month clothes, and we think you weigh about 17 lbs right now. You were 15lbs 9 oz at your 4 month check-up and you have certainly gained some weight since then!
You seem to be getting some new hair growth on top, and you have extremely dry skin. I've been smothering you with lotion at night and it does seem to be helping, but I can see some head and shoulders shampoo being on my shopping list for your head relatively soon.... Your eyes are still blue. Your daddy and I wonder if they will stay blue or change like Cooper's did.... I suppose we'll find out in the next few months!
You can roll over completely now. At night, you sleep on your stomach, and you get so angry when you flip to your back. Mama or Daddy come in and flip you back over because you can get so angry that you cannot make yourself turn back over. It's funny when this happens at 8pm, but I'm not such a fan of it at 3am! :)
You are growing like a weed little Katybug. You've brought us so much joy! I love you with all of my heart and cannot wait to see how you grow and change in the coming months!
Here's my baby each month so far:
And finally, I had to do a comparison picture of you and Cooper at the same age. Looks like he had a little bit more hair than you did, and less chunky-ness?? Precious babies none the less!!

Both such cuties...yay for 2 full nights of sleep!
I can't believe how big she is getting! She is a doll!
love the baby chunk!!!!
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