Some days, do you ever feel like Thank God It’s Monday? I mean, by Friday, I will be all about it being Friday, don’t get me wrong. But, after this weekend, this crazy busy weekend, it’s nice to come to work, where I sit on my booty the majority of the day. That’s awful isn’t it? I know it is. But reality is, is that sometimes, I just need to rest, and I get lots of it at my job. I sit at a desk and work on a computer all day long.
Speaking of weekends, we had a good one. It was busy, but good.
Friday night, we had Steph’s birthday dinner at Olive Garden. We got the family “party” room, so it was just us and it was super nice to have a little privacy where the kids could roam without having to worry about them disturbing other people. I made Steph a s’mores cake. Even though it had lots of marshmallows in the frosting, it still didn’t taste much like a s’more. It was tasty though.
Saturday, we headed down south to visit my side of the family. We went to an orchard/pumpkin patch for lunch with my mom, Shawn and my grandma, then took some pictures of the kids with the pumpkins. Then we went to my niece’s birthday party. It was a nice day. On our way home, we went to Lucas Oil Stadium to watch our local high school play there, but the game was delayed and the concession people couldn’t get me hot water to warm Kate’s bottle, so we had to head home after only being there a short time. Glad we got to take Cooper in there though, cause we won’t be taking him to a Colt’s game this season for sure. He’s just not got the attention span quite yet.
Sunday was spent hanging around the house, not doing too much of anything for me. I spent most of my day sleeping, feeding Kate and washing bottles. Our friend Jon who moved to Michigan last year was in town over the weekend and he came for dinner last night. We grilled out and had a nice time visiting with him. He used to be at our house a lot when he lived in Indy, so we’ve missed our extra family member. It was so good to see him, if only for a few hours!
So why did I need to come to work to rest? Well, Miss Katy girl, doesn’t want to eat. Each time I fed her yesterday, she ate 2-3 ounces. That is highly abnormal for her. She usually eats 5 ounce bottles. Then during the night I was up a good 2 hours 15 minutes. The first time from 12:45 to 1:45 – where she ate a total of 2 ounces. Then from 3:45 – 5, when she ate 2.5 ounces. She still wasn’t hungry this morning. I’m hoping she’ll eat at the babysitter today. We’ll see. She was still a happy smiling baby all day yesterday and again this morning. So there’s always that.
Happy Monday folks! Let’s make it a good week!

She must have started eating regularly again after last time she did this? Shelbs has a head cold and while it doesn't seem to affect her eating, it does the sleeping:-( Good thing they're so cute!!
Haha this is too funny! I actually was thinking this morning that I am WAY more exhausted after a weekend than en entire week of work! Hope your little starts feeling better soon!
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