
Just another sleepless night....

I’m here today, but just barely.  It’s been a rough day so far.  My day started at 3AM after going to bed at 10:30 last night.  If you can calculate – that’s not too much sleep.  Four and a half hours.  It’s not enough for me. 

What happened?  Well, here’s how it went.  I awoke at 1:30 to my daughter fussing, but she went back to sleep, thankfully.  I decided to take Cooper to the bathroom since he peed the bed twice Monday night.  So, that worked out ok, and everyone went back to sleep.  Then I awoke again to Kate crying at 3.  She had a bottle, I pumped and I sure tried to get back to sleep, but she totally didn’t want to have that.  She finally got back to sleep and then Cooper got up and had peed the bed even though I took him just three short hours before.  ARGH!!!  Kate woke up again, and before I knew it it was 5am.  She wanted to eat again, nothing else would calm her down.  So I gave her another bottle and she finally went back to sleep around 5:45.  Then, I laid down in bed for about 15 minutes the alarm went off, and I hit snooze, but then guilt got to me and I made myself get up and get ready.  That guilt stuff sure gets me moving.  But – right now, I’m dragggggggggggggging. 

Moving on, today, I’m going to get started on the Couch to 5k program again.  I’ve done it once before – back in 2012, but after my foot was giving me problems and getting pregnant, I was told by the doc to stop running.  But I’ve been given the ok to start the program again, AND, I’ve signed both me and Tim up for a 5k in November.  Woo hoo!  I’ve got about 8 weeks to get my rear in gear for that race, and the program is 8 weeks, as long as I do it every other day, I’ll get finished with plenty of time – but I’ve just got to make myself do it!  I can though, right?!?  I cannot believe I’m actually looking forward to running.  WHO AM I?!?!

Lastly – please stop by Kimmyyy’s blog today to read about what her son’s baseball team is doing for one of their teammates who has cancer.  This little boy, Garrett, has gone through so much for such a young man.  Please take a few minutes and donate, say a prayer, repost, etc to show your support for #TEAMGARRETT!


Kate said...

Oh your night sounds so awful! I hope you get some more sleep tonight! And I'm excited to see you joining the running ranks!

Unknown said...

Ugh...hate nights like that!!!

But good news....you've been nominated! :)