My kids are anyway – are yours?
Let’s start with Cooper.
- For the last couple of months – little boy has been peeing the bed quite frequently. Nothing out of the ordinary for a 4 year old, but what’s crazy to me, is Monday night. Little guy got up around 3am, walked to the bathroom, turned on the light, went pee, turned the light back off, and back to his room, shut his door and back to bed. A MIRACLE I TELL YOU! Except then he peed his pants again last night. But he did wake up before he got his entire bed wet, which is decent.
- Coop is obsessed with dressing up. He loves the “accessories” to all of his dress up outfits. He only has a few dress up clothes, a monkey costume (that he wore when he was 2 for Halloween that still mostly fits except for its length), a Woody costume, a football outfit, and lots of different pieces for baseball players/umpires. The accessories have to be a part of the outfit or dude goes crazy. He has to have batting gloves for baseball, a chin strap for his football helmet, cowboy boots for Woody and he even has a little boy underwear with a ‘cup’ in it for football and baseball. I’ve never known a boy to be so driven by details.
- I fed Coop my “special eggs” one night last spring before swimming lessons, and from that day forward, anytime he wants eggs, he makes sure to ask for mommy’s “special eggs.” My special eggs equal two scrambled eggs with a touch of milk added – that’s it. I only called them my “special eggs” so that he’d want to eat them. Now anytime anyone other than me makes him eggs, they have to make sure they make them mommy’s way. He insists upon it.
- Home girl eats like it’s her job from the hours of 4-2 am, after that, she waits 7-8 hours regularly to eat her next meal, then another 5 or 6 to get to the 4pm feeding. She may eat 2 ounces if you try to feed her when she should eat, but then she’s done. She’ll scream her head off or fight you so that she doesn’t have to eat anymore.
- Little lady loves music. She loves when you sing to her and dance with her. Yesterday, Stephanie was signing “Ain’t no mountain high enough” to her, and she smiled at the same part of the song each time. The rest of the time she gave Steph looks like she was an alien. When we have our family dance parties, I sit Kate in her high chair and move her hands around with the music and she just can’t stop smiling.
- Kate is a happy girl, only she won’t smile for many people. She smiles for Stephanie, Tim and me. Maybe Andrew, my Mom and my Dad once. I haven’t seen her smile for anyone else that I can remember. Other than that, she keeps her smiles to herself. It’s quite a shame because she’s got the best grin. I’m thinking she’ll change and smile for everyone soon enough.
I’m sure I can think of several hundred other things that make my kids crazy – but I’ll leave it at that for now. Happy Hump Day!

Psh, I don't know where my section is ;) Just kidding. Kind of.
I love the little details/stories:-)
They are both so adorable! I love the picture of Cooper with the basket on my head! I think you've posted it before and it gets me every time!
Love that look on her face. She's all like, "Yea, you know I'm cute"....
I got one smile out of her last Wednesday night...right before she started screaming bloody murder!
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