

Link up with Jamie here.

Happy Hump Day all!  I'm linking up with Jamie today for another WILW.  Wednesdays used to be my favorite day because I would get to tell you all what I'm loving every week!  I've missed linking up lately, so I thought I'd get back to it today. 
Today, I'm loving........

this guy.  he just never ceases to make me smile.  even when he's being a terrorist bad boy, he still does things that just make me want to pick him up and give him oodles of kisses.

this man.  even when we have our ups and downs, he is the one that i count on.  he is my one true love.

now onto more material things....

this watch.  i saw it yesterday while perusing kohl's website and i'm in love!  i may just have to break out that Christmas money i was trying to save up and go and make a purchase.  what do you think?  you likey?

these measuring spoons.  i've always been a big fan of measuring spoons, i think i have about 6 sets of them, but these are by far, my favorite.  my mom got them for me for Christmas and i just love them!

What are you loving this week?  Be sure to link up and tell us!


Holly said...

Emily... You know you're getting old when you get excited about a watch and some measuring spoons! Ha. But really, I love that watch! I laways forget that Kohl's has jewelry.

Brooke said...

So funny- I'm a HUGE measuring spoon lover too! xoxo Brooke