
Micellany Monday

Linking up with Carissa for Misc Monday!

Miscellany Monday @
lowercase letters

This post will be quite boring, as I have no pictures today, and I've been quite lazy the past week not going through any pictures that I have taken.  Life is keeping me busy!

1) The weekend.  Cooper and I visited family in southern Indiana.  It was a great visit, I got to see a majority of my family, minus my brother and his family :(.  I was excited to see Miss Madelynn, my cousins 3 week old baby girl.  She was precious, just precious!  I remember when Cooper was that little.  Ahh, the memories.

2) Meal Planning.  Since I've been on WW I realize how much meal planning really works.  I am able to budget out my meals and know what I'll eat for the entire day and not be hungry.  The actual plan making isn't my favorite part, but once I make the plan, sticking to it isn't bad, AND it sure makes grocery shopping easy!

3) Healthy Living.  To date, I've lost 14 lbs and I'm working my way down that scale (at least I hope!)  I've been walking at least 4-5 days per week, mostly walking daily (except this past weekend when we were out of town visiting family.)  The meal planning really helps with the healthy part and keeping fresh produce and other low point snacks on hand also helps.  I've also been drinking at least 72 oz of water per day while at work, then more at home.

4) Cooper.  He is getting so big so fast.  He's still obsessed with The Wiggles, can't get enough of his toy guitar and is using all of his baseball bats as microphones.  He's saying please and thank you when he should and he loves God.  As we pray every night, we be sure to tell God thank you for all of his family, Jesus, and to help him be a good boy.  He still loves ice cream, dancing around in front of his mirror and his Nana.  

5) Hair.  Currently my highlights have grown out to a ridiculous length, leaving 2+ inches of roots.  It's been almost 3 months and a new 'do is past due.  I'm going to get my natural color reinstated next Sunday.  I cannot wait.  It's gross.

6) #Febphotoaday.  If you follow me on twitter you've already seen this, but I've failed at the #febphotoaday challenge.  The day that was supposed to be a picture of the sun got me.  It was dreary here and I just stopped.  If it isn't a routine in my life, I just forget it, and the next day I forgot and every day since.  So, I'm a big fat quitter on that one folks.

I think that's it for now, just wanted to write, since I haven't in a week!  Eek!  And to my second mom Mary, - I hope you read this because it's all for you!  I'll try hard to keep up with this from now on, (don't count on it though)!


Tiff said...

So proud of the weight loss! That is excellent. I need to drink more water, but I have hard time doing it.

Holly said...

14lbs is awesome!!! I'm sure the water and walking have helped, too. Glad you had a good weekend with family... It should be warmer next weekend, so that's something to look forward to!

Happy Monday!

Al said...

WOW!! 72 oz. of water!?!? Good for you! I need to get walking again, but I don't have a good neighborhood for walking, too close to main routes and not very dog friendly. I miss walking my pups all over the place! Congrats on the weight loss babe!!
