
The Weekend Ahead


Don't get me wrong, I'm really looking forward to having two days off work, but this weekend will be busy and this Mama needs a little down time if you know what I mean!!!

Tonight should be pretty normal, home to get dinner ready, play with, the monster, Cooper for awhile, and at 7:30, Stephanie and I are off to my neighbor's house for a Lia Sophia party.  Thankful that I have a husband that is willing to endure the bedtime madness tonight.  I have a necklace of Lia Sophia's along with two pairs of earrings, and I LOVE some of their stuff, but it's more than I like to spend on jewlery that I only occasionally wear.  I'm a cheapskate, what can I say???

Tomorrow the family is heading up to visit Andrew at BSU.  We'll visit campus, take him and possibly his gf Sami out to lunch.  Then visit some more and head home.  Tomorrow evening we're having a visit with some other folks.  Should be a good day, abeit a busy one.

Sunday....  We aren't going to church, it seems the measles have broken out in Indianapolis, and specifically at our church.  They have advised anyone with little ones and those who are unsure about their measles innoculations to steer clear.  So hopefully we'll watch the service streaming from the web.  Then I have a hair appointment and am off to a late lunch with Aly.  We've been scheduling things and keep having other things pop up so we're going to *hopefully* make this one happen. 

Now, somewhere in all of that - I need to meal plan, put together a grocery list and go shopping for the miscellaneous items we'll need for the week.  I'm not sure where yet, but I'll figure out a way!

What's on your agenda for the weekend?  Whatever it is, make it happy and safe!!


Holly said...

You are jam packed but it sounds like fun. :)

And I feel the same way about Lia Sophia... Most of it seems like overpriced jewelry that I could get from Kohl's. I hope you snatch something pretty.

Happy Friday!

Aly @ Analyze This said...

We ARE getting together!!! :) It's on my calendar!

See you Sunday!