

Happy Wednesday Ladies!  This week has been a busy one for me so far, and I don't see much relaxation in the rest of the week either.  Oh well.  Thought I'd at least stop by and share a few things that "I'm Loving" with you this week! 

I'm loving.....
My new bluetooth headset.  It's a Motorola H17txt.  It was highly recommended by a co-worker and I'm loving it so far!  It not only let's me talk to people handsfree, but I can also listen to my music with this bad boy.  If you have an android smartphone, there is lots of other functionality, but unfortunately, because I have an iPhone, I'm unable to use it all.  No big deal, I wouldn't trade my iPhone for an android just to use this headset anyway!

Some of the good deals I've gotten off of Amazon lately!  I ordered one of each of these, and another green one for Steph, all for $4.39.  AND free shipping!  

That we are going to the Indianapolis Home Show this weekend!  Tim and I love going to this each year.  We get some good ideas and he figures out how to implement them around our house for cheaper!  What a man, right?  I just love having such a handy husband!

My new shoes!  They are Brooks Addiction 10 and they are just what my doctor ordered.  Literally.  I had my podiatrist appointment last Thursday and she has finally given me the ok to start exercising again, and I went Friday during my lunch break to the running store to pick out some new shoes.  So far, these are perfect for my feet.  I've walked each day since I got my shoes, I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but I missed exercising!! (for those who know me, you know that I'm such a lazy butt when it comes to exercise!)

Of course, my husband and son!  I cannot keep this picture to myself any longer.  One night they decided to play around the house with their winter hats on, my silly boys!

What are you loving this Wednesday?  Link up with Jamie and tell us!  I hope you're week is off to a good start, it's all downhill from here!  Happy Humpday!


Holly said...

I had to get some new shoes, too. It's a good motivator. I'm glad the doctor cleared you! :)

Abbey said...

Stopping in from WILW--I love that you're going to the home show! My dad is a stairbuilder so I grew up going to the home shows, hanging around his booth, and walking around looking for the booths with free candy and popcorn. I think I even took a friend once!

Anonymous said...

You always seem to mention your hubby and son! I love that!! :)

Do you remember when you were little and you got a pair of NEW shoes and you would run back and forth in them?? I always thought my new shoes made me run faster.-- always!! :)

HOpe you have a FAB day!!

Alyssa said...

Love your new shoes! Mine are starting to wear out and I really should get out and get a new pair!