
staying home with a sick child.

I can honestly say that this is not my favorite topic.  I love being home with my little guy, but dislike it very much when he’s not feeling well.

Cooper was home yesterday too, with my husband.  He had a fever on Sunday and Monday, but felt better on Tuesday, so to the sitter’s house he went.  Then on Wednesday, he seemed fine, so we drove to the sitter’s and in her driveway, the poor child puked all over himself and his car seat.  THANKFULLY, my car was spared.  The doctor said not to come in, it was just a stomach virus.  Then there was Thursday.

I got up at my normal time, got a shower and got into my robe to go and wake up the hubby.  When I got there, I found a little boy and a big boy.  Cooper had woken up an hour early and he was had a fever again.  So I waited patiently until 8 when the doc opened and they said to bring him in, at 10:45.  So, in the meantime, he started acting completely normal (as usual when he’s sick, so we can never tell if he’s truly sick or not, see what I mean below!) so since we needed to run an errand or two, we headed out.  photo 2photo 3

We went to Cooper’s eye doctor to pick out his new glasses.  Then to the grocery store, the bank and then to Coop’s doctor.  She checked him out, and of course, a VIRUS.  Meaning, they can’t do anything for him, continue children’s advil and tylenol and he’ll be fine in a couple of days.  She told me to take him to his sitter’s house and he’d be fine.  So that’s what we did.

After his nap, the rest of the day, Cooper and I did a lot of this:

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Cooper loves to sit on my lap while we watch these shows.  We don’t normally let him watch much television, only a little bit before night time, but when he’s sick, I’m not really sure I want him using all of his energy playing, I want him to recuperate, so we watch some TV. 

Well, that was my Thursday, I’m really looking forward to the weekend.  No big plans yet, hopefully we’ll just hang out around the house.  What about you?  Doing anything fun or exciting?

Have a great weekend!


1 comment :

Unknown said...

:( Poor Cooper!! I sure hope he feels better soon. And you stay healthy.

I suppose one plus of busy little boys being sick is that they're usually more cuddly...take advantage of and enjoy that! :)