My DVR: Is almost full, at least by my standards. I cannot keep up. I have soooo many shows that are waiting for me. I’m watching Grey’s Anatomy from last week as I type this, it’ll be on tomorrow night again, at least I’m caught up with one show….
As for your questioning my choice in TV shows, go ahead. Yes, I DVR Dr. Oz everyday ( I don’t watch them all, but I like to have the option). Yes I DVR Y&R. Yes, I watch Switched at Birth on the ABC Family channel. And Yes, I am DVRing the Biggest Loser, but waiting until the summer to watch it.

My child looooves ice cream. He’s not obsessed wth it, but he does love it. Here’s my cute guy the other night. He’s just too darn cute. And to be very clear. We don’t have ice cream in the house, what he’s eating is fat free pineapple sorbet. It’s my favorite. Love it, and obviously he does too.
Weight Watchers & me. Tonight I’ll weigh in for week number two. I didn’t feel like I’d lost any weight last week, and I don’t feel like I did this week either, so we’ll see. I am staying within my points allowance and am doing pretty well with not using all of the “extra 49” we’re allowed. I have used some, just for a few extras here and there, but not all.
I found an amazing website for healthy and tasty recipes. It’s called Dashing Dish. Katie has weight watchers points on her recipes and we have found several that we are enjoying.

The most recent that we made was her Lasagna Roll-ups. We made a few changes to the recipe, but not many. We wanted to make 9 rolls instead of 6 so that we could take the leftovers for lunch the next day. The only additions that we made was to add another 1/2 cup of cottage cheese and we used the entire 10 oz of spinach from the frozen box of chopped spinach. We changed from whole wheat lasagna noodles to Dreamfields brand, which are better for diabetics. (more below on that). We also used ground turkey instead of chicken. Since we stretched the filling out and only added a bit more of the ingredients, we were able to add the cup of mozzarella cheese to the top and it still came out to only 6 weight watchers points per roll up. They were delicious!

Since Tim and I are both diabetic, I bought these noodles instead of whole wheat or regular. (whole wheat is better than regular and these are even better!) Dreamfields noodles have a very low glycemic index because they have “protected” carbs. Also the amount of fiber in these also helps with the “digestible carbs.” These taste just like regular pasta. While we don’t mind whole wheat, we prefer these because there isn’t a different taste like whole wheat.

I also go to the podiatrist today. I am really hoping that she gives me the ok to start exercising again. I have missed my walking and I am pretty sure it would help me shed some pounds quicker!
Well, I think that’s it for today. I’ve spouted enough random stuff for you and think I’ll spare you the other stuff that’s floating around in my head.
I'm on week two with you. I hope you have a good weigh-in. Keep on keepin' on. :)
I LOVE the video Of Cooper!
Thanks so much for checking on me! I've been up to my ears with work and haven't had much energy to blog, but hope to change that soon. I can't wait to get caught up on your blog! Cooper is adorable! :) Hope you are well- have an awesome week!
Oh my.... those lasagna roll ups look DELISH!!
It's been awhile since I have made those. Thanks for the reminder!
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