
2012: Goals & Determinations

Well, I’m pretty much a slacker, and haven’t really written anything down yet, but I do have some things in mind, so I want to share them.  I wrote some goals for 2011 last year, and someday soon, I’ll recap how those all went.  (Or, if you read the post from last year, you can probably figure them out for yourself, based upon this year’s goals) For now though, let me talk about 2012.

{1}  Lose Weight & Get Healthy.  While this is a goal for nearly everyone at the beginning of a new year, I’m really *hoping* I can make some progress here this year.  With my PCOS diagnosis, I know this goal will be more difficult, but I am know that I can do this.  Weight Watchers starts for me on Thursday.  The husband and I have also been to visit the local YMCA close to us and we’re going to join as soon as we’ve gotten the all clear to start exercising.  (Hubs is in physical therapy for his foot and I’m currently wearing a splint on my foot and am not even allowed to lift weights right now, ugh)

{2} Get Pregnant.  This is a goal, not a resolution.  This is a goal not specifically for 2012, but for the future.  Because of PCOS, I am not sure when or if this will happen for us, but we would really like to have another child, a sibling for Cooper.  We are leaving this to God and know that his plan for us is better than our own. 

{3} Get more involved in our church.  We’ve been going to College Park Church for a few months now, and we just love it.  It’s time for us to get more involved, classes, membership, volunteering, etc.  I miss small groups, haven’t been in one since before I was married, and I think it’s about time.

{4} Read the Bible from cover to cover in 2012.  I started on the first, and am on day 5 at this point.  So far, so good.

That’s it, but really, it’s a lot.  If I can do these things, I will be so proud of myself.  My goal is to put out there my weight loss journey (as long as there is one).  I just need to make a bit of progress before I bear it all.  At this point, I’m not ready, but a few pounds down the road, I sure hope to be.

I have read some of your resolutions/goals/hopes for 2012.  I hope that we can all be encouragement for each other this year.  Any additional support we can lend one another is always helpful!  2012’s best medicine:  ENCOURAGEMENT!!


Holly said...

Yes! Let's lose some of this weight together! I've been mall walking with the seniors until I get the clear from my doctor. :)

Aly @ Analyze This said...

Good luck, Emily! I know you can do it!! I'll walk with you anytime! Let me know :)

Unknown said...

These are fantastic goals!! God be with you as you seek to fulfill them. They are all God-honoring so I KNOW he will give you the strength and willpower to fulfill them!! Way to go, Emily. :)