
2012 Goal #1: Lose Weight & Get Healthy

As with many folks at the beginning of a new year comes new resolutions.  I am no different.  I have wanted to lose weight and get healthier for a loooong time and I've finally become determined to do it. 

I joined Weight Watchers.  I went to my first ever WW meeting and it was interesting.  There was a room full of people.  Many first timers and more people who had done WW for longer periods of time.  One lady in the meeting had been going for 20+ years!!  That was encouraging.  It was encouraging to look around the room and knowing that people had been successful and that it was a program that could provide a lifestyle, not just another diet.

I came home and as I looked through the materials, I realized this wouldn't be too bad.  I could do it.  I realize that right now, my points allowance is bigger than it will be in weeks going forward, but I think I can get used to this.

I took some pictures of me now.  I hope to take progression pictures, at least monthly, maybe more depending on how well I can remember. 

As far as excercies goes, I am on hold in that arena.  I must wait until my doctor gives the go ahead for me to start excercising, but we are planning on joining the YMCA for their excellent programs and classes that are available.  I am hoping to go to a Zumba class, and really want to work on my arms, they are obnoxiously large and I would also like to focus on that tummy of mine.  Here's to some work ahead!

Now a question.  Have you or anyone you know ever tried chia seeds to keep you full?  I have done a bit of research after having some folks recommend, but I really would love some additional feedback on how they work for you!  Please let me know!

It's day 9 of the new year, have you kept up with your resolutions so far?  I have done pretty good with this one thus far, and now is the time to keep it up! 

Have a great day!


Holly said...

Go, Emily! We can do this together. :)

I have never had chia seeds.... But when I'm eating well, I'll snack on walnuts, frozen grapes, and raisins. It's never as good as my snack cakes and chios, but it does the job.

I'll post my pictures tomorrow... I've been on the bandwagon for a week now, but the scale is the same even though I feel less bloated.

We will be some hot mamas by Easter! Keep on keepin' on. :)

Aly @ Analyze This said...

Woo Hoo!!! So proud of you to post those pictures!! Just think about 3 or 4 months, you can post some progression pictures and see the difference!

I've never heard of these seeds ... I need to do some research on it!