Skinny "Big Macs"
Fun Friday!
This past weekend, we hung this big mirror up in our front room. Cooper is a big fan of watching himself do anything in a mirror, so when we had this leftover from our bathroom renovation, we decided to put it to good use.
The first video is of Cooper singing “Captain Feathersword Fell Asleep On His Pirate Ship.” It’s his obsession, The Wiggles. He just loves them.
The second video is also Cooper doing another Wiggles song, but this time it’s “Hot Potato.” We listen to these songs constantly when Cooper is awake. In the car, at home, wherever we are. He laughs, he sings, he uses Rockin’ Elmo’s microphone to sing his little heart out.
**quick note** PLEASE ignore the Mommy & the Daddy signing in these, we have horrible voices and we were just trying to help out the kid! :-)
Product of the Week

2) I can weigh my food using any type of plate or bowl now! This new scale holds up to 11 lbs where my old scale only did 1 lb at a time.
3) It measures easily in grams and ounces. (Yeah, the plastic measured in grams too, but it was a pain to read the tick marks accurately, so I avoided it)
I'm sure there are more reasons, for now, that's what I'm sticking with. If you don't have a digital scale for weighing food and you're counting calories or doing any sort of diet like weight watchers, you just might want to pick one of these up today!
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My DVR: Is almost full, at least by my standards. I cannot keep up. I have soooo many shows that are waiting for me. I’m watching Grey’s Anatomy from last week as I type this, it’ll be on tomorrow night again, at least I’m caught up with one show….
As for your questioning my choice in TV shows, go ahead. Yes, I DVR Dr. Oz everyday ( I don’t watch them all, but I like to have the option). Yes I DVR Y&R. Yes, I watch Switched at Birth on the ABC Family channel. And Yes, I am DVRing the Biggest Loser, but waiting until the summer to watch it.

My child looooves ice cream. He’s not obsessed wth it, but he does love it. Here’s my cute guy the other night. He’s just too darn cute. And to be very clear. We don’t have ice cream in the house, what he’s eating is fat free pineapple sorbet. It’s my favorite. Love it, and obviously he does too.
Weight Watchers & me. Tonight I’ll weigh in for week number two. I didn’t feel like I’d lost any weight last week, and I don’t feel like I did this week either, so we’ll see. I am staying within my points allowance and am doing pretty well with not using all of the “extra 49” we’re allowed. I have used some, just for a few extras here and there, but not all.
I found an amazing website for healthy and tasty recipes. It’s called Dashing Dish. Katie has weight watchers points on her recipes and we have found several that we are enjoying.

The most recent that we made was her Lasagna Roll-ups. We made a few changes to the recipe, but not many. We wanted to make 9 rolls instead of 6 so that we could take the leftovers for lunch the next day. The only additions that we made was to add another 1/2 cup of cottage cheese and we used the entire 10 oz of spinach from the frozen box of chopped spinach. We changed from whole wheat lasagna noodles to Dreamfields brand, which are better for diabetics. (more below on that). We also used ground turkey instead of chicken. Since we stretched the filling out and only added a bit more of the ingredients, we were able to add the cup of mozzarella cheese to the top and it still came out to only 6 weight watchers points per roll up. They were delicious!

Since Tim and I are both diabetic, I bought these noodles instead of whole wheat or regular. (whole wheat is better than regular and these are even better!) Dreamfields noodles have a very low glycemic index because they have “protected” carbs. Also the amount of fiber in these also helps with the “digestible carbs.” These taste just like regular pasta. While we don’t mind whole wheat, we prefer these because there isn’t a different taste like whole wheat.

I also go to the podiatrist today. I am really hoping that she gives me the ok to start exercising again. I have missed my walking and I am pretty sure it would help me shed some pounds quicker!
Well, I think that’s it for today. I’ve spouted enough random stuff for you and think I’ll spare you the other stuff that’s floating around in my head.

Today I’m linking up with Jamie to share with you my loves for this second week of 2012.
I LOVE, this little boy. He is so special to me! I couldn’t pass up taking this picture of him on Tuesday morning, he was fast asleep and he just didn’t want to wake up. Needless to say, we ran late that morning, it was rough getting him up. Isn’t he cute, he sleeps with his blue bat every night, he just can’t go anywhere without it.

I LOVE this man. This man who plays rough with our son, who cooks, cleans, and works his butt off for our family. The man that makes my world happier, he makes our (our entire family) world happier. An entertaining, football loving, sports fanatic who gives us his all.
I LOVE these ramekins.

I got these bad boys for Christmas and put them to good use last night! I made individual turkey pot pies. They were delicious! They are from Rachael Ray’s collection and they are the perfect size for watching what you eat. They are 10 oz each, and these pot pies had 10 Weight Watchers points each. We paired these with a big salad and voila! Dinner!

I LOVE Water bottles! I got these two awesome water bottles for Christmas, the Aladdin one and Camelbak one below. I love them! I’ve been using them both while at work during the day and I have been consuming at least eight 8 oz cups of water, but most of the time I drink more than that.

I LOVE our SodaStream. We’ve made ginger ale, cola zero, diet caffeine free, lemon/lime, orange, and a few others. It’s delicious. It’s cheaper. It’s wonderful. While I don’t drink much cola during the week, maybe one 12 oz glass per day, I appreciate not having to worry about buying cans and 2 liter bottles all of the time. When we make some cola, it’s 1 liter at a time and it disappears before it goes bad.

I LOVE my alma mater, IU. The ‘Hurryin’ Hoosiers’ have had quite a basketball season so far. It’s been awhile since that’s happened, and I’m loving that Coach Crean is finally getting it together for us.

Last, but not least, I LOVE frozen grapes. My friend Holly told me about these little drops of heaven and I finally tried them out. They are delicious, and they sure satisfy my sweet tooth and they are completely “free” foods on weight watchers, so yay! THANKS HOLLY!

2012 Goal #1: Lose Weight & Get Healthy
I joined Weight Watchers. I went to my first ever WW meeting and it was interesting. There was a room full of people. Many first timers and more people who had done WW for longer periods of time. One lady in the meeting had been going for 20+ years!! That was encouraging. It was encouraging to look around the room and knowing that people had been successful and that it was a program that could provide a lifestyle, not just another diet.
I came home and as I looked through the materials, I realized this wouldn't be too bad. I could do it. I realize that right now, my points allowance is bigger than it will be in weeks going forward, but I think I can get used to this.
I took some pictures of me now. I hope to take progression pictures, at least monthly, maybe more depending on how well I can remember.
As far as excercies goes, I am on hold in that arena. I must wait until my doctor gives the go ahead for me to start excercising, but we are planning on joining the YMCA for their excellent programs and classes that are available. I am hoping to go to a Zumba class, and really want to work on my arms, they are obnoxiously large and I would also like to focus on that tummy of mine. Here's to some work ahead!
Now a question. Have you or anyone you know ever tried chia seeds to keep you full? I have done a bit of research after having some folks recommend, but I really would love some additional feedback on how they work for you! Please let me know!
It's day 9 of the new year, have you kept up with your resolutions so far? I have done pretty good with this one thus far, and now is the time to keep it up!
staying home with a sick child.
I can honestly say that this is not my favorite topic. I love being home with my little guy, but dislike it very much when he’s not feeling well.
Cooper was home yesterday too, with my husband. He had a fever on Sunday and Monday, but felt better on Tuesday, so to the sitter’s house he went. Then on Wednesday, he seemed fine, so we drove to the sitter’s and in her driveway, the poor child puked all over himself and his car seat. THANKFULLY, my car was spared. The doctor said not to come in, it was just a stomach virus. Then there was Thursday.
I got up at my normal time, got a shower and got into my robe to go and wake up the hubby. When I got there, I found a little boy and a big boy. Cooper had woken up an hour early and he was had a fever again. So I waited patiently until 8 when the doc opened and they said to bring him in, at 10:45. So, in the meantime, he started acting completely normal (as usual when he’s sick, so we can never tell if he’s truly sick or not, see what I mean below!) so since we needed to run an errand or two, we headed out.
We went to Cooper’s eye doctor to pick out his new glasses. Then to the grocery store, the bank and then to Coop’s doctor. She checked him out, and of course, a VIRUS. Meaning, they can’t do anything for him, continue children’s advil and tylenol and he’ll be fine in a couple of days. She told me to take him to his sitter’s house and he’d be fine. So that’s what we did.
After his nap, the rest of the day, Cooper and I did a lot of this:
Cooper loves to sit on my lap while we watch these shows. We don’t normally let him watch much television, only a little bit before night time, but when he’s sick, I’m not really sure I want him using all of his energy playing, I want him to recuperate, so we watch some TV.
Well, that was my Thursday, I’m really looking forward to the weekend. No big plans yet, hopefully we’ll just hang out around the house. What about you? Doing anything fun or exciting?
Have a great weekend!
2012: Goals & Determinations
Well, I’m pretty much a slacker, and haven’t really written anything down yet, but I do have some things in mind, so I want to share them. I wrote some goals for 2011 last year, and someday soon, I’ll recap how those all went. (Or, if you read the post from last year, you can probably figure them out for yourself, based upon this year’s goals) For now though, let me talk about 2012.
{1} Lose Weight & Get Healthy. While this is a goal for nearly everyone at the beginning of a new year, I’m really *hoping* I can make some progress here this year. With my PCOS diagnosis, I know this goal will be more difficult, but I am know that I can do this. Weight Watchers starts for me on Thursday. The husband and I have also been to visit the local YMCA close to us and we’re going to join as soon as we’ve gotten the all clear to start exercising. (Hubs is in physical therapy for his foot and I’m currently wearing a splint on my foot and am not even allowed to lift weights right now, ugh)
{2} Get Pregnant. This is a goal, not a resolution. This is a goal not specifically for 2012, but for the future. Because of PCOS, I am not sure when or if this will happen for us, but we would really like to have another child, a sibling for Cooper. We are leaving this to God and know that his plan for us is better than our own.
{3} Get more involved in our church. We’ve been going to College Park Church for a few months now, and we just love it. It’s time for us to get more involved, classes, membership, volunteering, etc. I miss small groups, haven’t been in one since before I was married, and I think it’s about time.
{4} Read the Bible from cover to cover in 2012. I started on the first, and am on day 5 at this point. So far, so good.
That’s it, but really, it’s a lot. If I can do these things, I will be so proud of myself. My goal is to put out there my weight loss journey (as long as there is one). I just need to make a bit of progress before I bear it all. At this point, I’m not ready, but a few pounds down the road, I sure hope to be.
I have read some of your resolutions/goals/hopes for 2012. I hope that we can all be encouragement for each other this year. Any additional support we can lend one another is always helpful! 2012’s best medicine: ENCOURAGEMENT!!
Christmas 2011 Recap – In Pictures – Part Two
The Loot. The massive amounts of loot.
See all of that stuff??? That is all stuff from Christmas. For Tim, Cooper and me. We are really so blessed to have so much given to us.
The first half of Cooper’s loot.
The second half.
Tim’s goodies:
My goodies:
Our shared goodies:
Cooper’s new car!!
As you can see The Johnson Five had a wonderful Christmas!