Today I am linking up with Lynette for her Spring Blog Party, you should join in! She's got lots of questions to answer to help us get to know one another better! I'm hoping to do a couple of questions per day, so here goes nothing!
How would people describe your personality? (If they could only use ONE word.) Are they right?
Thoughtful. And when I say it, it's not meant to be "oh, she's so thoughtful, I would have never thought to have done that." NO, I mean I am always thinking, I am full of thought. I think I am also a decently thoughtful person towards others. I always try to be considerate and thoughful of the people in my life.
I did ask my husband what he thought about my personality in one word, he said "forceful." And he's right! I definitely have a forceful personality! I'm not one to let anyone get away with crap, and I am good about getting others to go my way! :)
What are your favorite types of reading material?
Books. Not a book through a Nook or Kindle, but an actual book. The paper kind with lots of pages. The type of book I prefer is Chic Lit. A book that doesn't make me think. A book where I can drift away. Where I can forget whatever is on my mind and just get caught up in some crazy story, usually about an English journalist! Ha, at least that is what the majority of books I've read lately are about.
That's my two questions for the day, I hope you'll join us for the Spring Blog Party over at Dancing Barefoot on Weathered Ground.
Hello! I am with you on the real books! There is something theraputic about sitting down with a book and flipping through the pages. :)
I like the monkey picture...heheheehe
I love the "forceful" comment...but maybe glad I didn't ask my husband what he thought, ha ha. I am a "thinker" too, which unfortunately makes me a bad sleeper :o/. Nice to meet you at the party!
I think my husband is thoughtful in the way you are. I wish I was more so that way...
nice to meet you. I am a big fan of reading as well.
Amy @ Missional Mama
I'm a real book person, too! Nice to meet you...
Hi Emily! Okay, I'll admit it, I prefer real books too. I just bought my 14 year old a Kindle for Christmas and I thought, "Hey, I might need to buy myself one of those!" But I bought one book to put on it for myself and don't seem to enjoy reading on it. Maybe it's an acquired taste. ha! My daughter loves it!
Thanks for linking up so I could stop by and say hello!
I hope you're enjoying the party and meeting some interesting people!
Lynnette :)
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