Linking up with Taylor today over @ The Undomestic Momma. Today’s TTT topic is Random Facts About You!
So, here goes nothing.
1) 1) I have rules for everything. Sometimes they are rules just for me, sometimes for everyone. If you were to ask my husband, this is probably one of the most annoying traits about me, but sometimes it comes in pretty handy!

2) I dislike testing my blood sugar. I am being a very good girl and testing my blood sugar before every meal and at bedtime and I’m even doing better at testing two hours after every meal. But I hate it. Period. I know this has to be life when we’re trying for baby #2 and during pregnancy, but it is one part that I do not enjoy!
These are two very random items about me, what random facts will you tell us about today when linking up for TTT?
1 comment :
Good for you for checking your blood dad just recently was diagnosed with diabetes. So, I am getting "hip" on all this blood sugar/testing stuff.
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