List 20 random facts about yourself.
I love peanut butter. Especially with chocolate.
I used to despise the color pink. Now, I kind of like it. Like a lot.
I have rules. For everything. If you don’t follow my rules, known or unknown to you, it drives me crazy.
I LOVE the Indiana State Fair. I love the 17 days in August when the fair is going on and I itch to go each year.
I do not have a green thumb, therefore the flowers that you’ll see around my house are those that require zero attention.
Spreadsheets are my favorite.
I Love Jesus.
Movie theater popcorn makes me smile.
The remnants of chocolate chip pancakes on this face make my world brighter.
Couponing used to be one of my favorite hobbies. I’ve gotten away from it, and I miss it.
I have about 10 home projects that are in my head that I need to start on or finish and I just have no motivation/time.
I love to shop.
We keep our house pretty cool in the summer, just so that we can put blankets on when watching tv.
I really dread going back to work, this time off with my babies has been wonderful.
Baking is an obsession. If I could bake everyday I probably would.
I cannot stand whining.
I have a love/hate relationship with our dishwasher.
I never wear sleeveless tops outside my house.
I’m a little biased, but my Cooper is THE smartest almost 4 year old I’ve ever met.
A bed that has been made up in a clean room is a beautiful sight to me.
Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears
I am afraid of riding in a truck and falling off of a cliff. I had a recurring dream when I was a child that I was riding in a truck with my dad and we fell off of a cliff. It made me deathly afraid of this happening, I’m still afraid of it to this day.
My child/children being kidnapped scares the crap out of me. The constant news of children being taken from their parents is why this became a fear of mine.
My house burning down because I’ve left the clothes dryer on when I’m not at home. This fear originated from my mother as a child, she mentioned it once and I’ve been a little nervous about it since. Not afraid enough to not let it happen, but it is always in the back of my mind.
Describe your relationship with your spouse.
My relationship with Tim is wonderful. We communicate well, whether it be good or bad things. We have fun together, and we help each other. He makes me laugh. We take care of each other. We have our ups and downs, like any other relationship, but we have more ups than downs and it takes work, and its totally worth it.
List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.
In no particular order…..
High school boyfriends are really not that important.
It doesn’t matter what kind of car that you have, at least you have one.
Brand name clothing doesn’t matter.
When you are a senior, you’re going to quit all sports and dance – DON’T!
Don’t take your parents for granted. LISTEN to them!
Spend as much time with your grandparents as you can. They won’t be around forever.
Target will still be your favorite store when you are 32, so enjoy working there while you can!
Get move involved in church!
Save more and spend less.
What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?
Sticking with “Things” and not people…..
- Our new refrigerator
- Our new stove/oven
- Pandora Radio
- Brooks Running shoes
- Mistresses (TV Show)
Whoa! That’s a long post, I cannot wait to linkup for the rest of these, that was fun! Happy Friday folks!
We keep our house cool as well. I feel weird laying on the couch without a blanket. Weird I know.
New appliances ot bake things for me on!!! SCORE!!!!!! IWANT!!! :-)
Thanks for linking up with me lovely!!!
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