I’m linking up with Kimmy again today for her Who are you series. Link up and tell us about YOU!
If you could have three wishes, what would you wish for?
- That all of my friends and family and their friends and family and the rest of the world would get to know and believe in Jesus.
- Health and happiness for my entire family and all of my friends.
- To have enough $$ to not worry about the small things and enough so that my kids could attend college without piles of debt.
What is your dream job, and why? –
I have two…..
To be a stay at home mom and to be able to volunteer time to a children’s hospital. I always wanted to be a SAHM until I had Cooper, then I changed my mind and loved that I worked and was a mom, and now, all I want is to be at home with my kids. If I could stay at home, I’d also like to volunteer time to a children’s hospital where I could bring some sunshine to children who were having a rough time.
To own and operate our own bakery or diner/bakery. I love to bake. It’s one of my favorite pastimes and Tim loves to be a short order cook. So, we could do just a bakery or a diner/bakery and we’d both have our dream jobs.
What are 5 passions you have?
My family
Saving $
List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.
- Jesus – Obviously the greatest influence in my life. He laid down his life to save all of us. What greater influence could there ever be?
- My mom – She loves deeply and has shown me the mother I want to be, the person I want to be and what it means to be amazing.
- My dad – He’s one of the smartest people I know. He has rules for everything (wonder where I got that? from this guy). He was a tough dad who expected perfection and showed me what it meant to never give up.
- My husband – He teaches me about life, love and marriage on a daily basis. Having this man in my life has made me happier than I could have ever expected.
- My grandfather (dad’s dad) – This man has taught me about hard work, about politics, about bowling, about so many things, his work ethic is undeniable and I hope that I can always make him proud.
- My grandmother (mom’s mom) – She has influenced me to want to make the best mac and cheese around, just like her! No but really – my grandma is the best. She has always made me feel special. As a child, she took me shopping for each birthday and she always made sure Christmas’s were special by giving me a special porcelain doll. I have so much I could say about my grandma. I love her so much.
- My grandfather (mom’s dad) – My grandpa. He passed away when I was a senior in high school, but I will never forget him, his teasing or his love of ketchup and donuts. He was such a special man. I remember him taking me to feed the calves on his farm when I was little. He helped cut my hand out of the back of my dad’s truck when I got it stuck as a child. He taught me about IU basketball and tractors.
- Erica (my BFF) – Erica has been in my life since my freshman year of college – she is like my sister and has taught me so much about patience. She’s about as laid back as they come and I’m about as type A as they come – her influence in my life taught me how to chill out and I thank her so much for that.
- Cooper – My little guy influences my life so much. He makes me want to be a better mom/person on a daily basis. He is such a sweetie with such a crazy side and I just cannot help wanting to be better because of him.
- Kate – Even though she’s only 10 weeks old, she’s already brought so much joy to my life. She influences me to calm down and know that I’m not in control. This little gal takes hours to get all of her burps out after she takes her bottle – with many screams and tears in between (I’ll let you decide who screams and who has the tears, lol). I’ve learned through her that I just have to take it easy and realize that she’s going to do things on her own time and that I’m not in control.
Describe your most embarrassing moment.
This is tough for me. I honestly cannot think of a terribly embarrassing moment. Maybe that’s because I don’t let things bother me forever. One time that I can think of that I was embarrassed that Stephanie still teases me about today, is when we were playing Blurt as a family and I couldn’t think of a cow. She had to literally say “Emily – MOOOOO” before I realized the word I needed to blurt out was cow. I’m sure there are other embarrassing moments, like the one at my surprise sprinkle when I ran Aly over to get to Holly, but you can read and see that video here…..
1 comment :
That video still makes me laugh! LOL And the fact that you parked right next to me!! :)
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