Drowning, in over my head, and many other sayings that I can post today to explain how I'm feeling.
Between work and home, life is crazy busy right now. I've neglected blogging and I'm probably going to continue to neglect it for a few more days. By April 10th I think life may be back to as close to normal as I can imagine. I hope to share with you several of the reasons I've been MIA, but for now, hang in there with me, and know, that I'LL BE BAAAAAAAACKKKKKKK!
I couldn't leave you with nothing so here is a picture of my cute little boy!
Enjoy your day!
Top Two Tuesday: Dream Rooms!
Time for Top Two Tuesday with Taylor! Link up and stop by to see some dream rooms!
Here are my top two rooms!
1. Dream Bedroom. I love the look of this bedroom. High ceilings, clean lines, large closet. I would change the bedding and the wall color, but other than that, This is nice!

2. Dream Basement. I love the look of this basement. A fireplace, nice area for watching tv/movies, and a game area. I would love to see the other side of this picture, cause it’s definitely dreamy to me!

What are some of your top rooms? I can’t wait to stop by some of your blogs and check them out! Have a great Tuesday all!
Top Two Tuesday!
Linking up with Taylor today over @ The Undomestic Momma. Today’s TTT topic is Random Facts About You!
So, here goes nothing.
1) 1) I have rules for everything. Sometimes they are rules just for me, sometimes for everyone. If you were to ask my husband, this is probably one of the most annoying traits about me, but sometimes it comes in pretty handy!

2) I dislike testing my blood sugar. I am being a very good girl and testing my blood sugar before every meal and at bedtime and I’m even doing better at testing two hours after every meal. But I hate it. Period. I know this has to be life when we’re trying for baby #2 and during pregnancy, but it is one part that I do not enjoy!
These are two very random items about me, what random facts will you tell us about today when linking up for TTT?
Today, I was thinking how terrible some days just are, how I get upset, I complain, and I whine. (Hubby gets to hear all the whining I do.)
In reality, I am one of the luckiest people that I know. I am fortunate and blessed. I could go on and on about situations that I’m not happy about, but I have a new outlook. JUST.BE.HAPPY.
I think I am happy most of the time, but when things hit me badly, they really hit me badly, you know the type? Someone who is just short fused? Hot with anger in a split second? That would be me at times.
I am aware of this and have decided that I am going to work on myself, so little by little, I’m taking steps to control my temper. This will make hubby very happy!
Thankful today for….
……consignment sales
……my job!
……my bible
I wish you all a great Thursday. Enjoy this day that the Lord has made!!!
Yep, I'm alive.
It's been almost a week, I haven't posted, and what can I say. I miss my blogging friends.
I've been so busy lately, we've been out of town the last two weekends, with zero computer access. The days have been filled to the brim and overflowing. I usually do all of my blogging after Cooper goes to bed, and since I've been using our treadmill nightly, that cuts down on my blogging time even more. So. What's a girl to do???
I hope to be back more after this week, when things will calm down. i.hope.
I look forward to this weekend, we're going shopping for all kinds of new stuff for the bedroom rennovation. Carpet, light fixtures, new bathroom floors and closet arrangements. Plus a new TV and decor! YAY! I love to shop. Have a great Thursday/Friday/upcoming weekend ladies.
I've been so busy lately, we've been out of town the last two weekends, with zero computer access. The days have been filled to the brim and overflowing. I usually do all of my blogging after Cooper goes to bed, and since I've been using our treadmill nightly, that cuts down on my blogging time even more. So. What's a girl to do???
I hope to be back more after this week, when things will calm down. i.hope.
I look forward to this weekend, we're going shopping for all kinds of new stuff for the bedroom rennovation. Carpet, light fixtures, new bathroom floors and closet arrangements. Plus a new TV and decor! YAY! I love to shop. Have a great Thursday/Friday/upcoming weekend ladies.
Thankful Thursday!
I’m thankful today for several things, here are a few:

One. The weekend ahead. Cooper and I are heading south. We’re going for the entire weekend to visit my family. Yeah I know, I was just there last weekend for my wonderful Mom’s birthday celebration, but I’m goin back!! 

Two. No, I’m not pregnant, yet….. The doc gave us the o.k. to start trying for baby #2! I am diabetic, so I like to have a blessing from my endocrinologist before I get pregnant. It’s important that I be healthy enough to have a healthy baby. I got that ok on Tuesday of this week, so here’s hoping getting pregnant soon is in God’s plan for our family!

Three. I ordered and received my one year bible on Monday, and even though it is dated Jan 1 – Dec 31, I started Feb 28 and I’ll just end it next Feb 27. It only takes about 15 minutes per day and it’s in chronological order. So far, so good. I am loving it!
What are you thankful for this beautiful Thursday that the Lord has made?
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Link up with Jamie for WILW |
First, I'm loving these jeans from Eddie Bauer. They are a cute trouser jean that I would love to get my hands on and my butt into!
Eddie Bauer: Curvy Fit Denim Trousers |
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24 muffin pan |
The next two are a combined love. I'm loving this 8 oz Tervis Tumbler and leak proof lid for it! This will be a great item for Cooper and I'm thinking soon! It will keep his stuff colder longer and it won't sweat! He'll definitely fit in with the rest of in the house once he gets a Tervis Tumber of his very own!
Tervis Tumbler 8 oz for kids! |
Leak Proof Lid for 8oz Tervis Tumbler |
Lastly, I'm loving that today is my dear Mama's birthday! Happy Birthday Mom!
What are you loving this Wonderful Wednesday?
Top Two Tuesday
Top 2 Things you've learned about money
I'm linking up with Taylor today for Top Two Tuesday!
1. Children are expensive..... I learned this when I got married to my hubby. He had an 18 year old and a 15 year old at the time. Steph (the 18 yr old at the time) was away at college and Andrew (the 15 yr old) was still in high school and lived with us. Steph came home after her first year and lived with us. So 4 of us in the same house then Cooper came along. Oh.my.goodness. KIDS ARE SO EXPENSIVE!!! And knowing this. I want at least one more. I cannot wait. I may have to file bankruptcy, but it'll all be worth it!

2. Savings Websites ROCK! My love for savings is not a new thing, I am sort of addicted I would say. I am planning on posting soon about the many many savings sites that I use, but I'll give you a sneak peak! BRADSDEALS!! Check it out.
What have you learned about money? I cannot wait to learn what you've learned! What a great topic Taylor!!!
Spring Blog Party!

Today I am linking up with Lynette for her Spring Blog Party, you should join in! She's got lots of questions to answer to help us get to know one another better! I'm hoping to do a couple of questions per day, so here goes nothing!
How would people describe your personality? (If they could only use ONE word.) Are they right?
Thoughtful. And when I say it, it's not meant to be "oh, she's so thoughtful, I would have never thought to have done that." NO, I mean I am always thinking, I am full of thought. I think I am also a decently thoughtful person towards others. I always try to be considerate and thoughful of the people in my life.
I did ask my husband what he thought about my personality in one word, he said "forceful." And he's right! I definitely have a forceful personality! I'm not one to let anyone get away with crap, and I am good about getting others to go my way! :)
What are your favorite types of reading material?
Books. Not a book through a Nook or Kindle, but an actual book. The paper kind with lots of pages. The type of book I prefer is Chic Lit. A book that doesn't make me think. A book where I can drift away. Where I can forget whatever is on my mind and just get caught up in some crazy story, usually about an English journalist! Ha, at least that is what the majority of books I've read lately are about.
That's my two questions for the day, I hope you'll join us for the Spring Blog Party over at Dancing Barefoot on Weathered Ground.