I rarely post anymore, I don’t really know what my problem is – but I want to post today, about this past weekend. To be perfectly honest, I wasn’t particularly looking forward to this weekend, I wasn’t really anything about it. I didn’t know how it would turn out. I knew Tim had a double header scheduled on Friday night, another double header scheduled for Saturday afternoon, that he had to work at his day job around 10pm Saturday night and would return sometime between 4-8am Sunday morning, and then we had Steph’s graduation ceremony on Sunday morning/afternoon. I knew it would be busy, I knew I’d have lots of Cooper/Mommy time. I always want to be so productive and play with him so much during these times. We usually end up playing and I get nothing done. Hence why my house can never stay clean nor picked up. Cooper’s toys are absolutely everywhere all of the time, and underneath the table where he eats, there are more crumbs than I can keep up with.
Friday morning at Cooper’s school they had muffins with Mom. We didn’t quite make it in time to sit down and have muffins, but I did stay around a few minutes and talked with him and he showed me around and just hung onto me. One of the teachers was nice enough to take our picture.

Anyway, the weekend started off nicely for me (insert selfish grin) because it started pouring down rain just a few minutes before Tim was supposed to start his double header on Friday night. Both games got canceled because the field was flooded. Basically the same thing happened on Thursday night also, and you know the nice thing about that??? If he shows up, he gets paid, so between Thursday night and Friday, he got paid for umpiring 3 games that he didn’t have! It was nice. A blessing really. Tim came home Friday evening, and he brought me my mother’s day gift! While Cooper and I waited for Tim to get home, we played his Dr. Seuss matching game. He’s really into puzzles and these types of games right now, and that’s awesome, because they aren’t physical, so I can really play with him!

I’m pretty much a major nerd, but this gift is EXACTLY what I wanted. I did give him a major hint that I wanted it, but I still didn’t expect him to go out and buy it. He gave it to me on Friday night so that I could have time to use it over the weekend, and because he knew we wouldn’t really get to celebrate Mother’s Day much on Sunday due to the graduation festivities. Then, he and Cooper took me to my all-time favorite restaurant. Bravo! I’m not really sure what was going on that night, but it wasn’t our best experience there, and I think we’ve all but decided that we’ll have to visit different Bravo!s in the future due to our experience at this one that night, but regardless, Tim was super sweet to take me! I really wasn’t expecting that, and had it not rained, we couldn’t have done it. So, I’m thankful. After that, we ran a couple of errands to return some stuff, then headed home. Perfect night with my boys.

Saturday ended up being pretty good even if it wasn’t at all what I had planned. This girl just has so many good intentions – and I seem to fall short with nearly all of them! Tim’s games were at noon and 2pm, so I had planned on going to his game at noon, then going to Target to shop around a bit, then home for a nap, OR to Target first, then to his game, then home for a nap. Either way, the Target trip didn’t happen. I was tired Saturday morning, so I pretty much just hung out around the house until getting ready to go to Tim’s game. Then I was even more lazy and stopped at McDonalds to get Cooper a happy meal so that he could eat while watching Tim umpire. We ended up getting there about 45 minutes into the first game, got to visit with him after the game was over, then stayed for a couple of innings of the second game before heading home for a nap. One glorious two hour nap for Coop and Mommy! It was 5pm before I woke up, and Cooper was still sleeping (right next to me, we like taking naps together, but ONLY naps), and so I checked my phone, texted Tim and found out he was on his way home. Yippie! When he got home we headed downstairs to eat dinner together, then Tim had to nap. He had to be at work by 10 or so, and since we had to be up early for the graduation ceremonies on Sunday and he probably wouldn’t get home until 5am or so…. He needed the rest. Cooper and I played with play dough, we played puzzles, watched some wonderful children’s television and read books, and he showed me his umpiring outfit – then he went to bed, and I changed up my blog a bit. I went to bed pretty much right when Tim was leaving for the night.

Sunday was graduation. CONGRATULATIONS STEPHANIE!!! Then lunch with the Bram Fam, then home for naps for Tim and Andrew, while Coop and I played some more. We made it home around 3pm, Tim slept until about 6, then it was mass chaos around our house. Laundry to be done, cars to be cleaned out, the house to be picked up and dinner to be made. I forced Cooper to pick up his toys (oh! The tragedy!) and I picked up the rest of the downstairs while Tim cooked and we both did laundry. I have been pretty behind in folding laundry. It gets washed, but then ends up in a pile on our couch until I get the desire to fold it. Sometimes, it happens, I cannot help it. When it actually does get folded and makes its way upstairs, it ends up living in a basket until the next time I have to do laundry and I finally put it away. Laundry might be the death of me. Thankfully, Tim made dinner last night. And then, he pulled out a DQ ice cream cake out of the outside freezer, and we each had a piece, oh my goodness, that man knows me well. He got a Oreo Blizzard ice cream cake. Look at this beauty!

Wow, if you stuck with me throughout this entire post, I want you to pat yourself on the back, I was pretty wordy! J It was overall a good weekend, I got to spend lots of time with my sweet Cooper and those precious just the two of us moments are going to be few and far between after baby sister comes.
Did you have a good weekend? Any big events in your lives? How did you celebrate Mother’s Day?