I needed a change on this blog. I often find myself searching for blog templates on the web somewhere, but alas, I NEVER find what I want, and I am never impressed for very long and I want to change the blog quickly. This is the reason I hesitate in purchasing a professionally created blog template. I am constantly changing my mind (just ask the husband, it is a sore spot between the two of us sometimes).
Anyway, tonight, out of no where, I started messing with the templates and layouts available through blogger and found this background, layout and made my own header quickly. Voila. I love it. Now, don’t expect it to stay this way for long, if you read above, you’ll see I like to change this thing up a bit.
ME time. I don’t get much of it lately (hence the lack of blogging), and I needed some. So tonight, while I was having my ME time and looking around for new templates for the blog I realized how nice this is. The house is quiet. Hubs and toddler are in bed, and it’s just little ol me with some peace and quiet. I miss this. I’m not sure when life got so hectic, but it sure doesn’t seem to calm down much around here.
I pray. A lot. I pray that God can change my heart and let me let go. It is working, but still a major work in progress. I have really been through quite a bit with the PCOS news and it has been both good and bad for me. The Good: I have realized that no matter how much I want to be in control of this life, I am not. I realize that HE has all of the control and letting go of the want for the control is really the best thing. The Bad: I may never have another child. This is devastating to me, and this is where I really have to just let go and Let God. (this is where the work in progress comes into play) I logically know that whatever God’s plans are for our family they are the BEST thing for us, the ONLY thing for us. It is difficult sometimes to follow logic and not be engulfed in emotion. I know the crazy negative emotions are from Satan, and I must learn to push them aside.
I am so thankful for everything that I have, and more thankful for everyone that I have in my life. My husband, child, parents, step kids, siblings, friends, and all of you out there in blog land. I have a great job with awesome co-workers. I have nothing to be but happy, I wish that this logic was what I could always see. I’m learning, little by little.
And now the big news…..
I AM GOING TO BE A GRANDMA!! The baby will call me Mimi I think…..
My Stephanie is PREGNANT!!! Here is a picture of her first ultrasound. She’s due around the second week of July. We are so excited to welcome this new little one into our lives!

Well, I think that’s all of the updates for tonight, It’s really time for me to hit the hay as it is wayyyy past my bed time. Happy Friday to you all and I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Please remember the reason for the season and remember to PRAISE JESUS.
Next weekend, we’ll be baking Jesus a birthday cake. Is this something that you do in your house? We are hoping to make it a tradition. Cookies for Santa and a birthday cake for our Savior.