
Fashion Faux Pas

2 on Tuesday
Linking up with Andrea for Two on Tuesday.  You should link up and tell us your “2 on Tuesday”
Today, we’re telling about our 2 biggest fashion mistakes….  Here we go:
1) A Perm!  Thank goodness I have no pictures of this, but let me give you this.  They called me Hurricane Emily.  Oh gosh.
2) Tight Rolled Jeans.  Everyone did it, and everyone shouldn’t have.  Enough Said.

What are your two biggest errors in the fashion world?  Link up.  I wanna know!!


Cheerful Homemaker said...

Happy 2 on Tuesday!

I rocked the perm, but was too young to roll my jeans. :)

Holly said...

I wore the perm, too... and for way too long. Seeing permed bangs is the worst! However, my dad still hasn't got this memo and has my sister perm is jet black hair every other month. :-P

AndreaLeigh said...

ahh tight rolled jeans!

i confess I still do this to get my jeans in boots. ha.