I’m linking up with Carissa today for Miscellany Monday. Write Random and link up.

1) I’m Lazy. Cannot explain how lazy. After Cooper goes to bed each night, I turn on the lazy and I don’t do anything. TV, blogging (not much lately), Pinterest, etc. Lazy. I need this time though. To recover from the day. It relaxes me and gets me ready to start a brand new day.
2) Cooper is growing up so fast. When he says things like “You’re Welcome Mommy” it’s hard to explain how that feels. It’s happiness. To be so proud of the little boy he’s becoming. I just love him to pieces. He does things like this → ,
sits in his little chair, eating his goldfish and watching Sesame Street. Other times he’s a complete terrorist, throwing fits and getting so mad when he doesn’t get his way. It’s a good thing we don’t negotiate with terrorists in this house
3) Covered Bridge Festival. Tim, Cooper and I headed out mid Saturday morning to the Covered Bridge Festival in Mansfield, Indiana. That is a picture from their website, but that is EXACTLY the way it was. Packed in like sardines. Lots of “fair” food vendors, and lots of
crafty items from China. I was hoping for many more hand made items, but mostly the vendors had lots of items junk from good ole’ China. Any way, on our way there, we sat in traffic for nearly 2 hours. I guess that’s why it was like sardines, there were thousands of people packed into this place. We decided that we’re going to skip this festival in the future. Just not worth it to us.
4) The hot tub is still not working. Yeah, it powers on, the lights and jets work, the radio works and it looks all sparkly and clean. It just doesn’t get hot. Tim has replaced the heating element and a few other pieces at this point and it’s still not working. BOO! So, we’re going to call in the experts and them to tell us what’s wrong with it. Hopefully, we’ll be able to do that in the next week or two. Yesterday, Tim power washed the sides of the hot tub and got it looking nice and new again. I know he can’t wait, and neither can I, until it works. Eventually.
5) I want to learn football. Tim has tried teaching me, but it doesn’t seem to work. This week, I even bought what I consider “football” food, made sure Cooper went down for his nap around 1:30, so that Tim could teach me during the Colts game Sunday. FAIL. I fell asleep. The sport doesn’t seem so difficult when I watch it, but I just cannot seem to keep up. To me, they throw the ball, then fall onto one another. Sometimes they catch it, sometimes they don’t. Then they start all over again. Anyone have any tips to learning and understanding football??? I’ll keep trying and I’ll keep annoying my husband until I do understand, because, EVERYONE in my life likes football, I just want to, too.
I hope you have a wonderful first day of the week! I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for another weekend already!
My in-laws went to the Covered Bridge Festival, too. They are in Effingham, Il and are always driving over the the Indy side.
As for footabll... I was wondering the same thing yesterday! I'll stick with baseball. :)
Have a good week... and BE LAZY!!
We have a covered bridge festival here where I live too. Lots of fun. Have a great day!
Food for Thought
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