
August Already!?!?!?

This life is too busy. There are days when I wish the busy-ness would just go away. We are already in the 8th month of this year and I'm in a state of shock about that. This year has flown by, and every day seems to fly by so quickly that I just cannot keep up. Each day my little boy is growing bigger and bigger. He's changing so much and learning so much with each new day. He is such a joy - I am so proud to be his mommy! He turned 10 months on August 3rd, soon he'll be one, I don't even want to think about it!

I want life to be simpler, but if it could be, I'm not sure that I could get used to it. I am so used to the hustle and bustle of daily life, so much so that it is difficult to take a vacation and actually slow down! Each day I am up at 5:45, and we are out the door most mornings by 7:15 - we get Coop to the babysitter's, then to work, finish up around 5pm and home (hopefully) by 6. Then the rush starts. Dinner, clean-up, playtime with Cooper and then feeding and bedtime for him. Then we try to get a few things done or just a bit of downtime before the next day starts!

These are the reasons I LOVE WEEKENDS! We don't necessarily have a schedule, and I like it sometimes when we spend the entire weekend at home, it seems to make the days last longer.

Now, this weekend I believe we *might* go to the GREAT INDIANA STATE FAIR! I am so looking forward to the fair. We got Cooper a wagon to ride along in and it'll hold some of our stuff too, so that'll be nice. Hopefully the weather will be nice enough for it.

Stephanie and Andrew are gearing up for another year at school. They'll both be in college this year, Steph at IUPUI and Andrew is heading to Bloomington for his freshman year. Steph is a SENIOR! Woo hoo! Yay Steph! Andrew moves in on August 24th, and he's really looking forward to it, and I know he'll be successful down there!

Tim and me, well, we're the same as usual. Tim's had some rough times lately with his health, but I think that we're getting somewhere finally and things may be looking up. He got his new iPhone yesterday - The brand new iPhone 4. It's pretty! I am doing well, plugging along with work and life. About the only really exciting thing for me is the fair! Cooper keeps me busy and I'm loving every minute of it.

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