So..... Tim & I have decided to attempt calorie counting. I hope that we can help one another along during this long road ahead. I believe that we can do this, it just takes will power. We started this on Tuesday, and so we are in day three. So far, so good. Not only are we counting calories, we are trying to drink water for the majority of our drinking instead of crystal light and diet soda. Tim's calorie intake is around 1800 while mine was to be 1200. But, because I'm breastfeeding, I get to add quite a few calories to my plan for that. So that puts me up to 1700. Although, I'm not sure that I NEED that many or if I will use that many. I have found many different places online that have offered super low calorie snack items. I know this entire process is going to be painful. I expect it to be. I don't know of many things that turn out well without some work. This will be work, and I expect to be hungry. It's just how I learn to deal with the hunger......
Oh.... I also, plan to have at least one free meal per week - where I can eat whatever. I think for a few weeks we may have a couple of free meals per week. Anyway, wish us luck!
Monday Monday!
Well hello.... It's been awhile. I've been busy so no blogging time lately.
The last couple of weeks have been tough. Saturday August 14, Tim, Cooper and I had gone to the viewing for our co-worker and after, met up with a couple of Tim's friends that live in Cincy for lunch. While we were visiting with them, we got a phone call that Tim's stepmom had made a turn for the worse and she wasn't going to make it long. So, we, with the clothes on our backs made the journey to Northeastern Ohio. The weather along I-71 from Cincy to Columbus was treacherous. There were some big thunderstorms, but we finally made it.
Long story short, Carol passed at 11:50pm Saturday night. Tim, Cooper, and I had gotten a hotel room and THANK GOD hotels had pack-n-plays! Tim took Coop and me to the hotel around 9pm and got back to the hospital. It was a rough night, but we made it through, everyone slept pretty bad, but that was the least of our worries. Sunday morning we visited with Tim's dad and then headed home. We were going to get home to get clothes, Stephanie and Andrew and head back. We weren't sure with the funeral was going to be, and it turned out to be on Wednesday. So we thankfully had Monday to gather everything we needed for the next couple of days before packing up and heading back to Canton.
Cooper was such a trooper during the entire journey, that was a lot of sitting in a carseat for a little one. When we got home Wednesday night - we basically crashed before bed, didn't do much. Thursday through Sunday all we did was work, we didn't really do anything this weekend. We did run to the bread store and to Kroger for essentials, but other than that Cooper and I stayed home.
Andrew and Tim moved him into his dorm at IU yesterday. Last week Andrew moved his girlfriend, Sami, into her dorm at Ball State. She actually started classes today. Andrew is home tonight and heading to IU for the semester tomorrow. We will miss him, it will be strange not to have him around. He's been gone a lot this summer, but it will be different and so strange.
Stephanie starts school this week too. She's a SENIOR!!! She'll be 21 in less than a month, I cannot believe how fast time flies! Stephanie's boyfriend Ryan came with us to Ohio last week. He is so good to her. I'm happy for both of them.
Cooper is growing up so fast. He's getting another tooth, so he didn't sleep well the last couple of nights. I sure hope he sleeps better tonight. He is also developing quite a temper. That boy has really started getting upset if we take something away from him, and he even has begun hitting. He will take his little hands and scratch my face, Tim's face and it really hurts!! He's got the sharpest fingernails! I keep them pretty short, but it doesn't seem to help. Cooper tried some macaroni and cheese this weekend - he LOVED it! Here are a couple of pictures:

Tim and I have been busy just keeping up with life it seems. This weekend I did a lot of cooking, and Tim has a hurt foot, poor guy, so he wasn't able to do much of anything this weekend. He did a lot of icing and heating his foot so that he isn't stuck to the couch, although that sounds kinda good to me at times :) We did get to go swimming on Sunday which was nice. I'm hoping this week slows things down a bit.
This coming Friday night I've already got plans to take Cooper to my friend Shannon's house. (see her blog at I haven't seen her for awhile and our friend Joni will be there too, I cannot wait! Then on Sunday, I'll be heading back to Shannon's for her Thirty-One gifts open house. Not sure what else is on the agenda for this weekend other than grocery shopping. I'm sure we'll fill it with something good!
The last couple of weeks have been tough. Saturday August 14, Tim, Cooper and I had gone to the viewing for our co-worker and after, met up with a couple of Tim's friends that live in Cincy for lunch. While we were visiting with them, we got a phone call that Tim's stepmom had made a turn for the worse and she wasn't going to make it long. So, we, with the clothes on our backs made the journey to Northeastern Ohio. The weather along I-71 from Cincy to Columbus was treacherous. There were some big thunderstorms, but we finally made it.
Long story short, Carol passed at 11:50pm Saturday night. Tim, Cooper, and I had gotten a hotel room and THANK GOD hotels had pack-n-plays! Tim took Coop and me to the hotel around 9pm and got back to the hospital. It was a rough night, but we made it through, everyone slept pretty bad, but that was the least of our worries. Sunday morning we visited with Tim's dad and then headed home. We were going to get home to get clothes, Stephanie and Andrew and head back. We weren't sure with the funeral was going to be, and it turned out to be on Wednesday. So we thankfully had Monday to gather everything we needed for the next couple of days before packing up and heading back to Canton.
Cooper was such a trooper during the entire journey, that was a lot of sitting in a carseat for a little one. When we got home Wednesday night - we basically crashed before bed, didn't do much. Thursday through Sunday all we did was work, we didn't really do anything this weekend. We did run to the bread store and to Kroger for essentials, but other than that Cooper and I stayed home.
Andrew and Tim moved him into his dorm at IU yesterday. Last week Andrew moved his girlfriend, Sami, into her dorm at Ball State. She actually started classes today. Andrew is home tonight and heading to IU for the semester tomorrow. We will miss him, it will be strange not to have him around. He's been gone a lot this summer, but it will be different and so strange.
Stephanie starts school this week too. She's a SENIOR!!! She'll be 21 in less than a month, I cannot believe how fast time flies! Stephanie's boyfriend Ryan came with us to Ohio last week. He is so good to her. I'm happy for both of them.
Cooper is growing up so fast. He's getting another tooth, so he didn't sleep well the last couple of nights. I sure hope he sleeps better tonight. He is also developing quite a temper. That boy has really started getting upset if we take something away from him, and he even has begun hitting. He will take his little hands and scratch my face, Tim's face and it really hurts!! He's got the sharpest fingernails! I keep them pretty short, but it doesn't seem to help. Cooper tried some macaroni and cheese this weekend - he LOVED it! Here are a couple of pictures:
Tim and I have been busy just keeping up with life it seems. This weekend I did a lot of cooking, and Tim has a hurt foot, poor guy, so he wasn't able to do much of anything this weekend. He did a lot of icing and heating his foot so that he isn't stuck to the couch, although that sounds kinda good to me at times :) We did get to go swimming on Sunday which was nice. I'm hoping this week slows things down a bit.
This coming Friday night I've already got plans to take Cooper to my friend Shannon's house. (see her blog at I haven't seen her for awhile and our friend Joni will be there too, I cannot wait! Then on Sunday, I'll be heading back to Shannon's for her Thirty-One gifts open house. Not sure what else is on the agenda for this weekend other than grocery shopping. I'm sure we'll fill it with something good!
New Family Blog
For all of those interested, I have started a family blog for THE JOHNSON FIVE ;)
visit at
visit at
Highs and Lows
Lows…..This week has been a bit difficult as weeks go. I’ll start by rolling backward to last Saturday morning 1:51 a.m. I woke up and saw that I had a text message. This isn’t shocking, I figured it was one of the kids communicating with us. What I read left me stunned and crying. Mike Tabb, a co-worker of ours, had had a massive stroke. He was in the hospital, but they had already read him his last rights and he wasn’t going to make it very long. Mike was an organ donor, so when they took the ventilator off on Sunday, and after they declared him dead, they hooked him back up until they could place all of his organs sometime on Monday. I woke Tim up, we talked, and I cried about this news. Mike was 44. He was a fun, outgoing, life of the party kind of guy. He most always had a smile on his face. He was my resource for gadgets! Whenever I knew of something “new” coming out, I knew Mike Tabb would have it. I could look to him for his thoughts on whatever gadget and I knew he would provide great feedback. I can remember sitting in budget meetings with him for hours and hours upon end and he always made the time go quicker. He would make them fun somehow. He was usually wasting away those times where he wasn’t needed playing on his iPhone – he had that thing jail broken to the point of no return. He was able to do things on his phone that Apple didn’t have available. I haven’t talked to Mike as much in the last year and a half as usual since I am no longer working in IT, but he was always friendly to me and I will truly miss him. His funeral is tomorrow in Cincinnati, Tim, Cooper and I will be going to the viewing.
Highs…..Last Saturday the weather was *fabulous* in Indianapolis, so we decided to take Cooper to the fair. We arrived around 2pm and were there until just after 7:30pm. We visited with my cousin Abby, who shows Llamas at the fair, her husband, Matt, son, Oliver and my aunt and uncle, Sheila and Perry. We took Cooper to see the cows, chickens, rabbits, sheep, pigs and of course the llamas. He got to pet two bunnies as well as a cow and a llama. Coop LOVED the llama. I think because it was big enough and it was soft! THANKS Abby for letting us pet your llamas! We ate some good state fair food (corn dog, ice cream, pork garbage burger, grilled cheese) but not as much as we had hoped. Take that food and split between Tim and me – and it wasn’t nearly what we would normally eat! I think we’re going to take one more evening trip to the fair since we didn’t get to see the cloggers’ perform their entire routine. They were scheduled to go on at 7 – but when we arrived at 6:45, they were nearly finished.
Sunday – Mom and Shawn came for a visit on their way home from a road trip and watched Cooper for us so that we could get a few things done (lawn mowed, some cleaning, etc). Then later that afternoon, one of Tim’s co-workers and his family came for dinner and swimming. Jim owed Tim a steak dinner, so he brought all of the fixins’ and cooked for us! Stephanie and Ryan were there for dinner as well.
Monday night we went to Cracker Barrel for dinner with Mom, Shawn, Larissa and Shawn’s nice Mallory and nephew Joe. It was a good meal, and to top it off, COOPER DRANK FROM A STRAW for the first time!!! We are so proud of our little guy! So we immediately rushed to Target after dinner to pick up a few sippy cups that used straws. Since Cooper isn’t too fond of normal sippy cups, we were so glad that he can finally get some liquid through a straw!
The rest of the week has been normal – nothing big going on, other than this ridiculous HEAT! We’ve been swimming a few times this week, and the pool is like a bath tub. It is sooooooooo warm in there. Cooper loves swimming so we try to take him as often as we can. Tonight we’re going to run a few errands and grab dinner out. Hopefully we’ll get to stay home for the majority of the day on Sunday, after a week/weekend of go-go-go, we’re all going to need some rest to start the next week. As Samuel Johnson once said “All intellectual improvement arises from leisure.”
Highs…..Last Saturday the weather was *fabulous* in Indianapolis, so we decided to take Cooper to the fair. We arrived around 2pm and were there until just after 7:30pm. We visited with my cousin Abby, who shows Llamas at the fair, her husband, Matt, son, Oliver and my aunt and uncle, Sheila and Perry. We took Cooper to see the cows, chickens, rabbits, sheep, pigs and of course the llamas. He got to pet two bunnies as well as a cow and a llama. Coop LOVED the llama. I think because it was big enough and it was soft! THANKS Abby for letting us pet your llamas! We ate some good state fair food (corn dog, ice cream, pork garbage burger, grilled cheese) but not as much as we had hoped. Take that food and split between Tim and me – and it wasn’t nearly what we would normally eat! I think we’re going to take one more evening trip to the fair since we didn’t get to see the cloggers’ perform their entire routine. They were scheduled to go on at 7 – but when we arrived at 6:45, they were nearly finished.
Sunday – Mom and Shawn came for a visit on their way home from a road trip and watched Cooper for us so that we could get a few things done (lawn mowed, some cleaning, etc). Then later that afternoon, one of Tim’s co-workers and his family came for dinner and swimming. Jim owed Tim a steak dinner, so he brought all of the fixins’ and cooked for us! Stephanie and Ryan were there for dinner as well.
Monday night we went to Cracker Barrel for dinner with Mom, Shawn, Larissa and Shawn’s nice Mallory and nephew Joe. It was a good meal, and to top it off, COOPER DRANK FROM A STRAW for the first time!!! We are so proud of our little guy! So we immediately rushed to Target after dinner to pick up a few sippy cups that used straws. Since Cooper isn’t too fond of normal sippy cups, we were so glad that he can finally get some liquid through a straw!
The rest of the week has been normal – nothing big going on, other than this ridiculous HEAT! We’ve been swimming a few times this week, and the pool is like a bath tub. It is sooooooooo warm in there. Cooper loves swimming so we try to take him as often as we can. Tonight we’re going to run a few errands and grab dinner out. Hopefully we’ll get to stay home for the majority of the day on Sunday, after a week/weekend of go-go-go, we’re all going to need some rest to start the next week. As Samuel Johnson once said “All intellectual improvement arises from leisure.”
August Already!?!?!?
This life is too busy. There are days when I wish the busy-ness would just go away. We are already in the 8th month of this year and I'm in a state of shock about that. This year has flown by, and every day seems to fly by so quickly that I just cannot keep up. Each day my little boy is growing bigger and bigger. He's changing so much and learning so much with each new day. He is such a joy - I am so proud to be his mommy! He turned 10 months on August 3rd, soon he'll be one, I don't even want to think about it!
I want life to be simpler, but if it could be, I'm not sure that I could get used to it. I am so used to the hustle and bustle of daily life, so much so that it is difficult to take a vacation and actually slow down! Each day I am up at 5:45, and we are out the door most mornings by 7:15 - we get Coop to the babysitter's, then to work, finish up around 5pm and home (hopefully) by 6. Then the rush starts. Dinner, clean-up, playtime with Cooper and then feeding and bedtime for him. Then we try to get a few things done or just a bit of downtime before the next day starts!
These are the reasons I LOVE WEEKENDS! We don't necessarily have a schedule, and I like it sometimes when we spend the entire weekend at home, it seems to make the days last longer.
Now, this weekend I believe we *might* go to the GREAT INDIANA STATE FAIR! I am so looking forward to the fair. We got Cooper a wagon to ride along in and it'll hold some of our stuff too, so that'll be nice. Hopefully the weather will be nice enough for it.
Stephanie and Andrew are gearing up for another year at school. They'll both be in college this year, Steph at IUPUI and Andrew is heading to Bloomington for his freshman year. Steph is a SENIOR! Woo hoo! Yay Steph! Andrew moves in on August 24th, and he's really looking forward to it, and I know he'll be successful down there!
Tim and me, well, we're the same as usual. Tim's had some rough times lately with his health, but I think that we're getting somewhere finally and things may be looking up. He got his new iPhone yesterday - The brand new iPhone 4. It's pretty! I am doing well, plugging along with work and life. About the only really exciting thing for me is the fair! Cooper keeps me busy and I'm loving every minute of it.
I want life to be simpler, but if it could be, I'm not sure that I could get used to it. I am so used to the hustle and bustle of daily life, so much so that it is difficult to take a vacation and actually slow down! Each day I am up at 5:45, and we are out the door most mornings by 7:15 - we get Coop to the babysitter's, then to work, finish up around 5pm and home (hopefully) by 6. Then the rush starts. Dinner, clean-up, playtime with Cooper and then feeding and bedtime for him. Then we try to get a few things done or just a bit of downtime before the next day starts!
These are the reasons I LOVE WEEKENDS! We don't necessarily have a schedule, and I like it sometimes when we spend the entire weekend at home, it seems to make the days last longer.
Now, this weekend I believe we *might* go to the GREAT INDIANA STATE FAIR! I am so looking forward to the fair. We got Cooper a wagon to ride along in and it'll hold some of our stuff too, so that'll be nice. Hopefully the weather will be nice enough for it.
Stephanie and Andrew are gearing up for another year at school. They'll both be in college this year, Steph at IUPUI and Andrew is heading to Bloomington for his freshman year. Steph is a SENIOR! Woo hoo! Yay Steph! Andrew moves in on August 24th, and he's really looking forward to it, and I know he'll be successful down there!
Tim and me, well, we're the same as usual. Tim's had some rough times lately with his health, but I think that we're getting somewhere finally and things may be looking up. He got his new iPhone yesterday - The brand new iPhone 4. It's pretty! I am doing well, plugging along with work and life. About the only really exciting thing for me is the fair! Cooper keeps me busy and I'm loving every minute of it.
Cooper & the Dishwasher
The dishwasher has become one of Cooper's favorite Toys!
A few pictures below of him helping me unload, haha =)

The Weather Channel

The weather in Indy is HOT & HUMID! We are used to it by now this summer, but this business is crazy! I am hoping that it cools down some before the state fair is over, it starts THIS FRIDAY! YAY!!! I love the Indiana State Fair =)