We've made it to week 27! 13 scheduled weeks left if we can make it that long! This week like all others has been crazy - not much housework going on this week so far.....
Monday night we got our quote for carpet from Home Depot, then picked up the kids and went to eat at O'Charley's. That was it for the night.
Tuesday night - late - Tim & Andrew went to see the latest Harry Potter, so they arrived at the movie theater around 10:15pm and were gone until 3am!! The movie started at midnight - but before that - Tim and I had to stop by Walmart after work to get him a new cell phone, he had dropped his phone in a glass of Crystal Light and it was toast. So we did that, got home, got dinner made and cleaned up, I did a couple of loads of laundry and that was about all for that night.
Wednesday night - Tim & Andrew went golfing with a couple of other guys, Erica and I went to Target, Hot Box Pizza and then to watch the State Fair rehearsal for clogging. After that, I headed home, folded some laundry and watched some tv with Steph.
Thursday - Tim & I both had eye doctor appointments. My eyes were in good shape and hadn't changed prescriptions, Tim's eyes had changed. We then ran a couple of errands and are now home. I'll make dinner soon and then we'll eat and watch some more tv.
Hopefully tomorrow night and Saturday we will get some work done around the house, we are on the count down and Tim would like to be done by September 15th! Lofty goal, but I know he can do it if he sets his mind to it.
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